Former Southern Baptist Preacher Testimony - Part 4

in #christianity6 years ago

Here is part 4 of The Way Interview with Jason and Amanda Towe.

I decided to post this as a way to show how the Spirit of God is moving among His people!

If anyone is interested in the documentary you can find more information about that below.


▶️ DTube

howdy sir simms50! wow is that the worlds longest comment? geez. any way just wanted to stop by and show my support.

Thanks for your support my friend! He just copied and pasted about a cult that has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the video clip I shared!

howdy back sir simms50! wow I don't understand that, he was convinced that he was right!

Sure was....he has made plenty of these kinds of posts all over the place!

howdy again sir simms50! oh so this guy has gone and hit alot of the steemchurch posts with his nonsense?

I’m not entirely sure if he only goes after the Hebrew Roots mindset posts or what. I’ve seen him make agreeable comments on other Christian content.

howdy hebrewhousewife! oh I see, so he's just picking on simms50? strange but what you said makes sense.

Not just me....but like she said other posts with similar mindsets!

Sad...but I think you are more right than wrong about what you are saying here!

"The Way" is a cult. You have to know it has false theology when it claims to have discovered truth that's been missing since the first century. I found this online:

One of the most damaging aspects of The Way is the ability of its leadership to control many of the thoughts and actions of its followers, using tactics of mind control. This is not strictly speaking "brainwashing" (which uses physical abuse), but is the use of emotionally manipulative tactics to direct a person's attitudes and behavior. The Way also routinely condemns everyone outside the organization of being "possessed by devil spirits." The Way member often tells the children of divorced parents to be wary of, resist, not obey, or avoid the fallen-away parent (the one who has left The Way) to protect themselves from the influence of the parent's devil spirits. The most common and vicious claim is that people are possessed by "homosexual devil spirits."

Anyone who closely views the lives of Way members is amazed and shocked by how every aspect of a follower's life is controlled. Way members are also taught that the President of The Way is "The Man of God" and that they must give allegiance to and obey him in all things, no matter how insignificant, and even if it appears that he is in error. Way members are also told to obey local leadership, especially the "clergy" and "Way Corps" who have graduated from The Way's leadership program. Leadership tells followers whom to date, whom to marry (and not marry), when to separate or divorce, how to spend their time and money, when to sell their house, where to live, when to change jobs, how to discipline their children -- the list goes on and on. In recent years, leaders have told Way members to vacate certain towns and move close to leaders (sometimes hundreds of miles away, as when Way members in Saint Louis were all told to move to Columbia, MO, in 1998) to be under their "protection."

Way teachers also typically attack verbally anyone who is not in The Way, so as children accept Way teaching, they tend to turn against parents and family members who are not in The Way. Profanity and name-calling are typical in the language of Way followers and Way leaders. Former Way President Martindale set the example, as he peppered his conversation, lectures, and even sermons with profanity. In a brief, 15-minute impromptu talk to his followers during a Sunday Night Service (May 4, 1997), he called his critics "morons," "snot-nosed punk," "can't find their *** in the dark," full of "devil spirits," "not have two brain cells to rub together," etc. He identified the local newspaper as "St. Mary's puke sheet" and mused at how wonderful it would be if all journalism and law schools were burned down. In less public settings, he is even more profane. Since children commonly hear Way members and leaders call their non-Way parents profane and derogatory names, this reduces their respect for them and increases allegiance to the group.

Many of the core beliefs (anti-Semitic) that Wierwille taught should disturb true Christians -- such as Jesus Christ is not God; today's Jews are actually an impostor tribe from Siberia; the Jewish Holocaust is a myth; and that much of the Gospel doesn't have any real meaning today. Insiders have also reported instances of weapons stockpiling, kidnapping, wife-swapping and other sexual misconduct, and financial scandal -- with varying degrees of documentation in personal testimony and in the press. Below are the highlights of what The Way International believes concerning their source of authority, the Trinity, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, salvation, giving, spiritual gifts, heaven and hell, laws, and God's dispensations:

  1. Source of Authority. The Way claims the Bible as their final authority, but in practice, Wierwille's interpretations of the Bible are seen as the true, final authority -- Wierwille stated that he produced the only "pure and correct" interpretation of the Bible since the first century. Wierwille claimed to have received special revelation from God, but that the "Bible as a whole is not relevant to all people of all times." He rejected the Old Testament and the Gospels as unnecessary. [HJB] The Way also teaches that the Bible is not the Word of God, but only contains the word of God. Only the rest of the New Testament is relevant for his group, which he called the "Church of God." The Way also believes that the New Testament was first written in Aramaic, not Greek.

The original Way new-member, Power for Abundant Living video course (PFAL) was the main source of teaching and outreach. (PFAL cost about $50, and was an intense, 12-session, 36-hour, no note-taking, no questions-allowed, instruction series in The Way's doctrines. PFAL promised that right "believing" will keep away sickness, insure prosperity, and even protect soldiers from enemy bullets. Poverty is condemned as the result of imperfect faith. The "Good Life" is the proper reward for believing.) Power for Abundant Living has been replaced by Martindale's, The Way of Abundance and Power. Other courses are also offered, starting at a minimum of $65 each, providing The Way with most of its revenues.

  1. Trinity. The Way denies the Trinity doctrine and teaches a doctrine of God similar to the Arianism of the Jehovah's Witnesses. Technically, Way theology is called Dynamic Monarchianism (See Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, "Arianism," "Monarchianism"). They correctly believe that there is only one God, but wrongly conclude that God is limited to one Person. They believe that only the Father is God, denying the deity of Christ and the third Person, the Holy Spirit. According to The Way, the Father, ONLY, is the one true God. He created all things including Jesus and "holy spirit."

  2. Jesus Christ. Wierwille believed that Jesus Christ had no preincarnate existence except in the mind of God the Father. The Way teaches that Jesus is not God, but a perfect human who came into existence when the Father created sinless sperm and implanted it in Mary. Thus, The Way denies the deity of Christ, making the distinction that "Jesus Christ is not God [that is, God Himself], but [merely] the Son of God. They are not 'co-eternal, without beginning or end, and co-equal.' Jesus Christ was not literally with God in the beginning; neither does he have all the assets of God" (Jesus Christ is Not God, p. 5). To support this, they change the meaning of common Greek words in John 1:1 -- it is claimed that the phrase "the Word was with God" actually means "Jesus Christ was with God in His foreknowledge," but that Jesus was not co-eternal with God the Father. The Way claims that "if Jesus Christ is God ... we have not yet been redeemed." [HJB]

  3. Holy Spirit. Wierwille denied the deity and personality of the Holy Spirit. To circumvent obvious Biblical references supporting the deity of the Holy Spirit, The Way arbitrarily provides two different meanings to the term Holy Spirit (pneuma hagion) in the New Testament. Wierwille argued that in some texts the term should be translated capitalized and in other verses with all small letters. According to Wierwille, the term Holy Spirit (capitalized) is another name for God the Father (just like Bob is another name for Robert). The term "holy spirit" (small letters) refers to an impersonal force that is given by the Father (Holy Spirit) to empower His believers. Thus, holy spirit is the gift (inanimate force) and Holy Spirit (God the Father) is the giver (Receiving the Holy Spirit Today, pp. 1-5). To support his position, Wierwille contends that the deity of Christ was a late invention of apostate Christianity and was never taught during the first three centuries of church history (Jesus Christ is Not God, p. 12). [McDowell and Stewart refute Wierwille's claim: "Ignatius, (A.D. 50-115), an early Church Father and disciple of the Apostle John, clearly writes of Christ's deity. Irenaeus (A.D. 115-190), another Church Father, makes clear reference in Against Heresies, when he calls Christ Jesus 'Lord and God.' The apologist Tertullian (A.D. 160-220) calls Christ the 'God of God.' Also Hippolytus, Origen and Lucian of Antioch, all clearly refer to Christ as the one God" (Handbook of Today's Religions, pp. 107-108).]

The Way teaches that natural man is born with a body and soul, but not a spirit. When one is born again, God creates a human spirit in him or her. This spirit is also called "Christ in you," "holy spirit," "inherent spiritual power," "power from on high," "spiritual abilities," and "the mystery." It is not Jesus Christ Himself.

  1. Salvation. Rather than emphasizing salvation through faith in Christ, Wierwille artificially separated "faith" from "believing." He taught a very mechanical view of faith in Christ -- a mere intellectual or mental assent to Biblical, historical facts. He also redefined repentance as just confession and belief. Thus, salvation does not involve repentance of sins, but only doing "the will of God" (The Bible Tells Me So, p. 18; Jesus Christ Is God, pp. 238-257). The Way also teaches that Jesus was raised on Saturday and that there were four people crucified with Him, not two. Additionally, only true believers who lived after Pentecost will be saved. Also, The Way teaches that once a person is saved, he cannot sin in his spirit. His body and soul can sin, but not his spirit -- this can lead to sinful practices that are said to not affect the spirit of a person.

What you copied and pasted has NOTHING to do with the documentary I am referencing and is NOT associated with that group in ANYWAY!!!

No, I followed the link. Then I found information on the group. It's "The Way International". How many groups could there be with that name?

If you clicked on the link that I posted then you would find the following about the documentary. AGAIN I say this video has NOTHING to do with that cult group you are referring to.

The Way is the story of countless believers around the world who’ve traded Easter ham for Passover lamb and Sunday church for Saturday Sabbath - all in an effort to live like the Savior. They’re holding every church tradition up against scripture and cutting away anything that doesn’t conform. In the process, they encounter resistance from a religious system two millennia in the making, and for the first time, learn what it’s like to be a “peculiar people.”

I agree with Simms50. Have you watched the documentary for yourself?


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