Gospel Sense Against Anger (Part 1)

in #christianity6 years ago (edited)

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Why Deal with Anger?

The ability to deal with the tendency to become angry speaks volumes about a believer's maturity in Christ.

In Tit. 1:7 Paul says that one condition for selecting a bishop is that he must be someone who's not easily provoked, someone who does not get angry so easily.

Titus 1:7 (KJV)
For a bishop must be blameless, as the steward of God; not selfwilled, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre;

This scripture means therefore that if we want to be used for more noble purposes in God's agenda we have to deal with anger.

If you're very easily ticked off, God's opinion of you is that you're not yet mature enough to handle leadership responsibilities in the kingdom.

It's My Responsibility

As we read Eph. 4:30-32 and Col. 3:8, we see that we are instructed to PUT AWAY anger.

This very well sounds to me as if the responsibility is the believer's and of course, it is.

God sees you as someone who can deal with anger and overcome it.

God says it's my responsibility to put away anger from my life. That means I have a choice in this matter.

I must begin to leverage on the ability God has placed within me and begin to have a different attitude in my mind about getting angry.

Does Anger Please God?

In Eph. 4 Paul talks about anger as soon as he mentions grieving the Spirit. I'll be denying the obvious if I say both have no connection.

Anger does not please God. Remembering Moses will refresh that point in our minds.

Anger makes us act and speak the way we shouldn't. So, I must deal squarely with it.

Scripture tells us in James 1:20 ISV) that

...human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.

In the next post I'll share more about how the gospel teaches is to exercise victory over anger.

You are blessed!

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