
It is clear by those verses that Jesus accepted worship. He could have said no, don't worship me, I'm but a man. But he didn't say that. Think about this logically, why would most Christian denominations believe that Jesus is God especially since one of the ten commandments says, "You shall have no other Gods before me"? The answer, because that's how the text reads! That's the logical conclusion from reading the Bible, that Jesus was saying he was God. If He's not God then He went to great lengths to insinuate that He was to try to deceive people. I don't see how anyone can read the above verses and say that He's not God unless they are clouded by indoctrination of their own denomination. When I read the Bible I try to step away from what I was taught from my denomination and pray that God reveals the real truth to me and release me from the bonds of my denomination. Asking him to show me the places where my denomination is not right. In doing this over the years I have developed beliefs from the scriptures that do not follow what my denomination says. If anyone follows exactly what their denomination is telling them and do not part from their denomination in any areas they are more likely following man instead of God.

You're arguments are empty. Jesus accepts the worship due to him just as others such as Kings would accept worship, even as recorded in the Bible. Bowing down before someone does not make them God. The reason that so many "Christians" accept the trinity is because it was the law for hundreds of years under penalty of death or banishment. You people killed those who disagreed with you.

I will repeat, no one in the Bible assumed that he was claiming to be God and if you think that is the case then you are misunderstanding the Scriptures. He never once claimed to be God. If you reread what I wrote above, the Bible clearly, with basic english, negates him from being God. You are in the wrong.

Do you by chance come from a church or denomination that feels that if you stray from their exact teachings that you'll loose your salvation or that teaches that your church or denomination is specially anointed by God to be the only one true religion or in some other way is special like the only one true church? Not trying to pick a fight but I don't think we're having a true debate about the scriptures, I feel instead like I'm having a disagreement with you about the anointing that you feel God has given your church or denomination.

No. I don't belong to or come from any group or denomination.

I am giving you the straight truth from the Scriptures and you are denying what the Book says to hold onto your taught beliefs.

The Scriptures make it clear that Jesus is the Messiah and not God. It is only by tradition that people believe him to be God.

There is but one God, the Father.. 1 Corinthians 8:6, it doesn't get much more clear than that. The greatest commandment as told by Jesus is that the LORD our God is one LORD. This has been under attack since the beginning. You believe what you believe because you were taught to think that way.

Above you quoted “Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain,
to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength
and honor and glory and praise!”

If he were God then why would he have to receive power and wealth and wisdom, and strength, etc? How can you worship multiple gods and still believe you are following what the Bible teaches?

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