in #christianity6 years ago


A fisherman gets ready to cast his net into the sea to catch fish.
He must throw all of the net into the sea.
The net will settle down beneath the waters.
Then, the fisherman will wait.

After a few minutes, the fisherman felt the weight of the net beneath the waters. This means that he has a great catch! This is the opportune moment for him to to pull up the net to his boat as fast as he can.

This was the picture which the Lord was showing to us when He said in His words -

"Cast your burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain you." - Psalm 55: 22

The word, "cast" here literally pertains to how a fisherman cast his net into the sea. What God meant was- when we have problems, burdens and worries, we must cast all of these to the Lord. Casting it all to the Lord means you depend on Him. Casting it all means, surrender. You are tired of them, and the only best thing to do is to "throw" them all to the Lord in surrender. Casting all your care upon Him for He cares for you.

If you will not throw the net into the sea, don't expect a catch.

Same way if you don't throw all of your burdens upon the Lord, don't expect a great catch of blessings.
God wants you to "let go and let God." You will not get a "sustenance" if you just keep it to yourself.
Throw it all to God. Cry it out to God and confess, "Lord, your will, not mine be done."

Throw the net into the sea and let it settle down deep beneath the waters. Yes, cast your burdens to the Lord and let it settle there. If you have to wait, then wait for the answers. But surely since you throw it all to the Lord, God will bless your patience and your surrender.

When you cast it all, you will get a great catch.
Isn't this a wonderful and radical truth-

God uses your burdens to get you a blessing.

7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. 1 Peter 5:7 (KJV)

Your burdens or cares are but the nets on which God will use to give your breakthrough. Your bad times are but the thing that will catch the good times that are coming. If you will not cast the net, you will not get the catch. But if you cast it all, expect a great catch. Use your burden to catch your blessings.

Go out there and throw the net into the sea.
Let it settle down beneath the waters.
Wait. Patiently wait.

And when you feel that the net gets heavier and heavier.
It is not a sign of a problem but of a blessing.
The more it gets heavier, the more it means the blessing is bigger.
Pull it up as fast as you can, and enjoy your blessings from God.

But if you do not throw the net, you will not have a catch.

Image from Google Search

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