in #christianity6 years ago

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This gospel stands alone among the narrative of Christ’s life. The synoptic gospels show unmistakable lines of similarity and strong possible relationship. However, John was written as a supplement to them, to attest many thing they related and to relate many things they omitted in the earliest collection of the New Testament books. John was placed second to Matthew because they were the two gospels written by apostles.

This order was soon changed for it is unmistakable that the forth gospel was written sometime after the first three and as a complement to them. It was written to round out the record of Christ’s life and give that record the deeper dimension necessary for the revelation of God to man.

The Apostle gives the deeds of Jesus before John the Baptist was cast into prison but the other three evangelists mention the circumstances after the event.

This gospel was written by one who was an eyewitness and also, a participant in, the events of which he wrote.

The writer was clearly an intimate friend of the master. Such a man was John, the “beloved disciple”

John was the son of Zebedee, a well to do fisherman of Galilee who had his own boat and hired servants (Mk. 1:20). With his elder brother James, John was a disciple of John the Baptist before meeting Jesus, and he seems to have been one of the first two persons (the other being Andrew) to follow the Lord when he began his public ministry (John 1:35-40). His early association, first five chapters of his gospel relate events not recorded by the other three.

He was that “disciple whom Jesus loved” so great was his devotion to Christ that the dying redeemer committed to him the care of Mary his mother. (John. 19:26-27)

After Christ died, John had a long ministry during which he wrote five books. His gospel is unknown, but it was considerable time after the synoptic gospel was in wide circulation. If he wrote it before he was banished to Patmos, and after the destruction of Jerusalem, which is almost certain, then it probably appeared between the years (A.D 90-94) And he made his purpose of writing known in (John 20:31-32).

Whereas the other gospels begin with either the birth or the ministry of Christ; John looked back into the wondrous depths of eternity and revealed Christ as the incarnate word, the Lord of glory.

It is here alone that we learn of Christ and Nicodemus, Christ and the Samaritan woman, the marriage in of Galilee, the first cleansing of the temple and the calling of his first disciples.

Moreover, John devoted five chapters to the meeting of Christ and his disciples in the upper room the night before his crucifixion (chapter.13-17). The other writes tell us that there was such an intimate period, but john pulls back the veil and lets us look at length into that eventful evening.

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Through him alone we know how he washed his disciples feet, about his discourse on the comforter, (the holy Ghost ), the New Testament commandment of love, the vine and the branches.The mansions in his father’s house, and his great prayer for his disciples.

In all these John revealed precious and rich insights that the other writers omitted. Conversely, he omits much that they had already related, such as the birth of Christ, his baptism, his temptation, his parables and so on.

Whereas the synoptic gospels stressed the kingdom of God, with a view of eternal life, John stressed eternal life, with a view of the kingdom of God.

Matthew revealed Christ to the Jews Mark revealed him to the Romans and Luke to the Greeks, John in his writing revealed Christ to the world.

Matthew is prophetic gospel, Mark is a factual gospel, Luke is a reflective gospel and John is a spiritual gospel. All are needed for an adequate presentation of Christ.

He is far too great, too incomprehensible to be seen from one viewpoint. So in Matthew we see the servant of God; in Luke we see the son of man and John we see God.

The four gospels show us Christ. However, in them we do not see enough to satisfy our longing, this longing will continue until we see him face to face;
But we see enough to effect our salvation.


Your type of writing and style is very good
Thanks @praise-eu for writing and sharing with us

I love your conclusion. the four gospels only show us Christ based on the writer's experience s but we can only know who christ truly is by constant fellowship with him.

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