
“make no mistake....actions give birth to new agreements” : beautiful

I waited for a while to respond. Wanted to gather thoughts.

I, believe we have unlimited potential. All of us. The essence of the teachings are that meaningful faith and will to do "good" go hand in hand. Let me elaborate, there have been many individuals outside of Christianity (modern day version), that we can witness.. that when there is a spark glowing inside you (faith) one can do many things. The willingness to share the spark with others (non-prosletyzing) or giving what you receive to others. Keeps the process going. Thus we are likened to children of the desert. Our generation could be the most elevated yet. As more and more are finding the sparks within themselves.

This is just my thoughts and they may always be subject to change as we all change.

I agree with this. One thing I should add to clarify is I believe it is impossible for someone of True faith not to act. Faith is so powerful it will demand action.

Thank you for your thoughtful response.

So you're a Christian? I never knew that!

I struggle with this. A lot of my actions are based on how I feel, instead of being led by the spirit. He said, "follow me." Not "follow me only when you're in a good mood" or "only when you feel like it."

You truly can't have one without the other, for there is the purely religious end of the spectrum where they think I did A, B, and C, therefore God accepts me. Yet Ephesians 2:8-9 says "For it is by grace you have been saved through faith - and this not from yourselves, it is a gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast."

So you're a Christian? I never knew that!

I am reluctant to classify myself as such. I believe that most of what we are taught is incorrect based on my own research and observations in various denominations. I would instead classify myself as one who recognizes pearls that are contained in the bible, as well as many of the known books that did not make it into the compilation put together at the council of Nicea. There has been to much mixing in of pagan beliefs such as Mithaism and Ishtar for me to blanket align with the approved models of Christianity. But the lessons about one connecting with righteousness and conduct while connecting with the Source are truths that I believe they try to hide with the extras they have mixed in.

Ah, I see. When it happened to me, as in I was born again, there was no denying it. Even though I identified as a Christian before that. It's not something you can will into being a reality. I was completely broken and asked for forgiveness and it happened so unexpectedly.

I liked your posts.
It is a shame that christians have turned christianity into what it is today and have strayed so far because of their beliefs and greed.

Like with all things, many will pretend unfortunately. I have been fortunate to have met several truly inspired Christians, but they are far outnumbered. Part of the problem is many of them rely solely on what their minister says, never cracking open the book for themselves, never studying its history and whose influences were placed upon the final product.

It's easier not to question and what they listen to is programed for a specific purpose.

Not only does a workless faith weaken and die, it stands atop of the beginning of doubts and uncertain behaviour. Faith without works isn't just dead, it is non existent

I thought that as well, but came to understand it can create a black hole of energy if ones teacher is just talking without walking when they form their own agreements. I believe inaction is usually a learned behavior/agreement.

If am to be totally honest though, putting faith to work can be very difficult sometimes; speaking from a personal perspective

It is, but it does become easier the more you do it as it strengthens the agreements that should be strengthened. Often the difficulty comes about due to something we are coveting that is in direct opposition (or appears to be) with what rightful action we should take. Fear of loved ones anger or separation, financial hardship, persecution, loss of something one could potentially acquire. I refer to it a lot, but the most compelling read i have encountered about this struggle in the Bhagavad Gita, where Arjuna sees his relatives and esteemed teachers on the battleground waiting to do battle with him if he insists on walking correctly. He struggles in tears as he considers tossing his weapons aside, insisting what use is it to be right if it destroys everyone he loves.

What you said has nothing to do with the verses you posted. You also said this,

"The truth of the matter is, each of you reading this are powerful spiritual beings with the immense power to give life to thoughts through your follow through in action."

So what are those powerful beings? Are we talking about angels? Do angels have the power to do things for you independently of the will of God? Only God has the power to help. You should ask him and him only.

I do not get what you are saying
Are you also saying that we do not have Souls and souls are not powerful spiritual beings.

Only God has the power to help. You should ask him and him only.

What is so wrong about a neighbor helping his neighbor.

Neighbors are of benefit, especially good neighbors.

But the relationship should be just being and God, private. Exalted above any relationship attainable.

Ok I get it and agree with what you are saying.
just keep in mind that you will never know who was inspired by God to help you in your time of need. Absolutes are a hard measure and often wrong.
Always go to the intent and I think you missed his intent on the post.

Understood what he was expressing. Misunderstood you i guess. Apologies

were good. I never have a problem with conversation. I always learn something from it 😀

I do not get what you are saying

I didn't either. The verses meant exactly what I implied, and they didn't comprehend whom I was saying are powerful beings. Some just like to argue. Not engaging in it myself.

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