Psalm 34:8 "O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him."

It is good to trust in the Lord!

Psalm 34:8 

"O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him."

Thank you Lord!

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"Join the adventure and be inspired." - Karen Gentry @pilgrimtraveler 

Blessings from PilgrimTraveler!

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I have tasted His word and it's like sweet sweet honey.

The disciples urged Him, “Rabbi, eat something.” But He told them, “I have food to eat that you know nothing about.” The disciples asked one another, “Could someone have brought Him food?” Jesus said, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to finish His work." John 4:31-34

How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! Psalm 119:103

Thank you for posting this. The man who trusts in Him is happy!

Bless the Most High!


Amen to that, thank you so much for sharing this inspiring word @ironshield Blessings!

thx for sharing

God is the nutrition we crave
He is the air we breathe
He is the manna we need
Taste and see that God is good
Trust in Him as you should.
For He my child is all you need
Lean on Him and do believe
Walk with Him and be brave.

Amen, thank you so much for sharing this beautiful word. Blessings!

Great post and word, a big AMEN!

Let me join you by saying AMEN

Thank you kindly, blessings!

Y vio Dios que la luz era buena...

And God saw that the light was good, amen!

So true @pilgrimtraveler. The Lord is so good and those that trust in him lack nothing.

Praise be to God for his goodness, may the Lord bless you richly in all good things! @hillaryoki

Thank you kindly, blessings!

welcome mam

excelente post!!
apoyame en mi perfil!!

Cute, thanks so much! :)

this beautiful bird pal, where we have this rare bird,.

upvote and reestem.

Thank you so much ~ Upvoted interesting soursop post, Blessings! :)

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