John 3:16 "For God so Loved the World!"

God's Great Love

John 3:16

"For God so loved the world, 

that he gave his only begotten Son,

 that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, 

but have everlasting life."

Thank you Lord!

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"Join the adventure and be inspired." - Karen Gentry @pilgrimtraveler 

Blessings from PilgrimTraveler!

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It's not enough to intellectually believe. We need to repent of our sins and accept what Jesus did on the cross as payment for those sins. We need to accept Jesus as Lord. We need to do our best to live for Him. To live righteous lives in service to our Lord.

There is a passage where I read that Jesus did not die on the cross. On top of that he did not die for payment for your sins. Correct me if I am wrong, but God created the heavens and the earth and have power over everything.

Amen, thank you for sharing @barncat Blessings!

Yes fellow pilgrim if believing is not accompanied with behaving. A U-turn from sin to righteousness then the believing is faulty.

I have a very special friend who was born a descendant of one of the original Jewish tribes (The Levites urls below this provide some interesting background found on the web that explains much about the validity of these words relayed through my friend)but has embraced the Buddhist religion.
She has never followed the teachings of Jesus Christ yet about a year ago she began receiving messages from what I feel can only be the word of GOD. They were warnings about what is truly said in the Quran. Recently after the appalling tragedy in Vegas she received this message that I wish to share with all you readers. I hope it is a message that will not fall on deaf ears but on open hearts and that you will find reason to pass it on to others in your various circles as we are all GOD's children.
here is the message
"God said we are all responsible for the killings in Vegas (and he included those who were killed as responsible for their own deaths). He doesn't hold the killer responsible. The killer represents all those who are left to suffer alone in pain alone, separated, isolated in some way, and left alone frustrated. God said we have grown to ignore those who are not our immediate family and close friends, those we know need our help. We have learned to say to ourselves it isn't our business.

God said we are all his children and so all people are our brothers and sisters and we need to extend our hands out to help everyone whether we are family or not. We cannot continue to put our heads in the sand and ignore anyones pain and suffering any longer. We must reach out to them and not forget sbout them. We are to show compassion and show them we care and help them through.

God said the longer we keep ignoring those around us who need our help, and continue to put our heads in the sand and not make it our business to reach out to the suffering, worse things will continue to happen such as the Vegas tragedy.

I believe this is a message from his holiness, the lord and our savior.

Please help me spread this message quicky and lets all start caring a little more.

No one should suffer alone. Everyone matters!"

Truly God loves us beyond words would express and also above our understanding. His love knows no limitations and it's unconditional

Well said, thank you for sharing this @glams Blessings!

I have a very special friend who was born a descendant of one of the original Jewish tribes (The Levites urls below this provide some interesting background found on the web that explains much about the validity of these words relayed through my friend)but has embraced the Buddhist religion.
She has never followed the teachings of Jesus Christ yet about a year ago she began receiving messages from what I feel can only be the word of GOD. They were warnings about what is truly said in the Quran. Recently after the appalling tragedy in Vegas she received this message that I wish to share with all you readers. I hope it is a message that will not fall on deaf ears but on open hearts and that you will find reason to pass it on to others in your various circles as we are all GOD's children.
here is the message
"God said we are all responsible for the killings in Vegas (and he included those who were killed as responsible for their own deaths). He doesn't hold the killer responsible. The killer represents all those who are left to suffer alone in pain alone, separated, isolated in some way, and left alone frustrated. God said we have grown to ignore those who are not our immediate family and close friends, those we know need our help. We have learned to say to ourselves it isn't our business.

God said we are all his children and so all people are our brothers and sisters and we need to extend our hands out to help everyone whether we are family or not. We cannot continue to put our heads in the sand and ignore anyones pain and suffering any longer. We must reach out to them and not forget sbout them. We are to show compassion and show them we care and help them through.

God said the longer we keep ignoring those around us who need our help, and continue to put our heads in the sand and not make it our business to reach out to the suffering, worse things will continue to happen such as the Vegas tragedy.

I believe this is a message from his holiness, the lord and our savior.

Please help me spread this message quicky and lets all start caring a little more.

No one should suffer alone. Everyone matters!"

and that is a lot of Love! thanks for the post @pilgrimtraveler

Amen to that! Blessings @watertoncafe



This is wonderful @pilgrimtraveler

Of which salvation the prophets have enquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you: Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow.

Unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but unto us they did minister the things, which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven; which things the angels desire to look into.
1 Peter 1:10-12

Thank you Lord for saving us!

Thanks for sharing.

Well said, amen. Blessings! @maxdevalue

One of my very favorite verses. I don't think we humans can understand how much God loves us.

Well said, blessings!

We use to read this verse each time we go to sunday school when we were kidz.when l grew up l have come to understood such a great love from God....God is truly "love".God bliss you for eachday what you do @pirlgrimtraveler

My pleasure, thank you for sharing this beautiful memory. Blessings @odsam2

Amen, blessings!

Amen, Jesus is light. Blessings! :)

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