
Thank you for taking the time to read my testimony @nextgen622. I have now done the same with yours, as well as reading all of your Memoir posts. What an amazing life story you have thus far!

Such a marvel and wonder to me when considering the time in man's history in which we both live. You and I are from opposite sides of the world quite literally, as well as from very different backgrounds. Yet, due to a technology only a few years old, we can "connect" in at least some ways which simply wasn't possible only a very short time ago.

This stood out to me from your 4th and final Memoir post:

"But what happens when you don’t fit in, when you don’t belong? This was my experience growing up."

I grew up in the state of Utah, here in the western United States. It was originally settled, long before the Civil War, by a religious sect (a cult to me ...) called the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. More commonly referred to as the Mormons. You or may not be aware of this. As a child, I experienced being ostracized due to being a "gentile." Yes, you read that right ... As the Mormons consider themselves from the lost tribe of Israel, then all who are not of their faith are "gentiles" ...

Reading this then about the end result of your understandably hardened heart (again from 4th Memoir ...)

"But the day she passed away, I didn’t shed one single tear. Not because I wasn’t sad, but because I was so use to suppressing my emotions that I didn’t know how to respond to grief and sadness."

Great is the loss experienced by us, as the result of sin and the hurt we all experience. Some seemingly far more than others. It was very uplifting to read "the rest of the story" and see how our Lord used your friend, Jason, to bring about an eternal change. For you and for all of those around you!

Thank you again for stopping by and investing your time to read this post @nextgen622. Looking forward to what the future holds, as with you, I submitted and surrendered my life long ago to Him who holds the future in His hands!

P.S. Not sure whether this is helpful or not, but before moving on to the rest of my day, just sitting in awe at how different our lives can be from others. It is really not possible for me to fully grasp and understand what it was like for you to grow up in China and their infamous One Child policy. Here is a link to what I was inspired to write about children, soon after "jumping in" to our Steem blockchain - Father's Day 2018: Children - Blessings of Life!!.

Thank you so much brother for taking the time to read through my testimony and mini memoir series.

That’s one of the things I like most about Steem, how we can connect with people from different parts of the world. In Christ, although we are from such different backgrounds, there’s a special bond that connects us because we have been born into the same spiritual family. Recently, I invited a brother whom I met here on Steem, @mhm-philippines to come over to Australia and stay with my family for 10 days. Although we had never met in person, there was an immediate connection when we met. What a wonderful experience that was.

Thank you for the link. I will have a read. :)


Yes @nextgen622 ...

"... In Christ, although we are from such different backgrounds, there’s a special bond that connects us because we have been born into the same spiritual family."

... Amen! While we may never meet these people in this life, we will have all eternity to meet them in the next!

Very nice to know you have chosen to take a fellow Steemian and a brother into your home for a visit. I had never been online, prior to "jumping in" to the Steem blockchain, so I have chosen to maintain my privacy pretty strictly so far. I may change my mind some day. Or, more accurately, our Lord may change my mind some day ... 😉

Seriously, in my year and a half, I have chosen to get into some more personal details with a very few people on Discord. One, in particular, is a very dear and very devote Christian lady in Venezuela. We keep up a regular correspondence and we have prayed for each other's prayer requests.

A marvel and a wonder how our Lord knits us all together! Until next time, I hope all is well with you and yours!

Galations 6:10

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