The Morality of preserving DNA, When is it right? When is it wrong?

in #christianity7 years ago (edited)

In the modern age where technology rules and improves over various aspects of our lives, the laws and even people can't keep up with it. It's pretty obvious that when a new invention, or a machine that crosses into biological nature, people will inevitably be divided into camps between vouching for said technology or rejecting it, so as not to violate the laws of natural order. The argument I'm about to address, is the morality of preserving DNA, whether it's for medical or for prenatal purposes.

Wife of Dead NYPD Officer Gives Birth to Daughter Using Sperm Preserved After His Death

Like the title stated above, a wife named Pei Xia Chen gave birth to her daughter Angelina, from her deceased husband's, Wenjian Liu, preserved sperm. He died in 2014 from a fatal shooting, but the child was born this year. In terms of this case, it's empathetic that the widow would want a part of her husband to live on. As a matter of fact, many childless couples resort to medical-technological methods like IVF or sperm/egg surrogacy to conceive children. But, let's say if a child was conceived from two parents who had a one night stand, and the female wanted to cheat the fornicator via child support. That's where the moral dilemma comes in.

With the age of degeneracy we're living in, individuals reducing sex as only a means for cummies, are getting tricked by the situation mentioned above. Basically, taking DNA from people and creating children for financial gain is disgusting , but I don't have any sympathy for vile fornicators who sleep with random strangers. For the time being, I'll give my two cents on how this type of situation should be remedied.

1)If an individual were to take a partner's or an individual's DNA for the purpose of creating a child/children to earn any governmental/family inheritance, then the child should be removed from the parent(s) and adopted into a well-adjusted family with a non-criminal background.

2)The parent(s) that attempted to use said child/children for financial gain should be arrested.

3)A mandatory DNA test must be conducted to locate the child's true mother/father.

4)When the child's parents are located and determined, then the child is considered emancipated, and both of the biological parents must give monthly payments to the child until he/she is 21 years of age.

Therefore, this will stop people from fornicating and cheating the child support system. :D

Now back to the subject, the video shown below describes Mrs. Chen's situation, but delves in deeper to the problem of taking DNA to create children, heck even cloning people is possible, but hasn't been attempted as of yet. It doesn't take only sperm to fertilize an egg, you can use any form of DNA like hair or skin cells to fertilize it. Even though lawyers and lawmakers will have to ratify and justify legal ramifications, the question is, Should people have to patent, control, and/or write up a will to claim full possession of his/her OWN DNA?

As a Christian, I'm not surprised technology is leagues ahead of humanity and the justice system. I only vouch for technology when it's beneficial to a human's health. If society, especially in America's kept a hold of Christian morality, then maybe dubious DNA stealing and other forms of degeneracy wouldn't be even fathomed. But, in this age, man worships himself, and now they'll suffer the consequences.

What do you think about the situation of a person withholding your DNA? When is it right or wrong?

Please comment, upvote, and resteem. :D


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An interesting dilemma. The courts here in the US have set precedent that one cannot forcibly take the DNA from another individual without that individual's consent (we just saw a situation where police unjustly arrested and detained a nurse after she refused a request for a blood draw on an unconscious patient while reminding them of this law).

However, there is no protection for the individual if the DNA is obtained in a way that is non-coerced (ie: rooting through a person's garbage for something that might contain a hair or saliva sample, or, in your example, semen from a used condom).

I whole-heartedly agree that one should not be able to deliberately use another person's DNA to create a new life without that person's consent, and use of contraception in any form should very much make it clear that the intent was for pleasure, not for procreation.

Be interesting to see what the legal system makes of this once we see a case of it. You know it can't be too far away...

It won't be long for the Supreme Court or even state officials to start making laws in this area. However, we the people need to take responsibility for ourselves. If we let the government handle ALL of our problems, then we're slowly, but surely giving our freedoms away and becoming 1984. Before you know it, the government will declare itself justifiable to take and use our DNA with or without consent.

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