Quiet Trust (Music With Scriptures)

in #christianity7 years ago

There's a story behind this video I made. I am an 'amateur' piano player and I couldn't have arranged this better if I had tried.

One night I recorded this improvised piano piece, then, a while after, I thought to add some scriptures to go with it. I did a 'test run' recording the narration with my headset and when I tracked it with the music I was just amazed at how well the two went together and I knew it was all God!

I literally just 'dragged and dropped' the audio clip with the Scriptures being read into the same project as the music file, adjusted its placement on the timeline ONCE (without listening first to see where it was fitting in), and when I hit play, it was perfect. Not because of any talent or skill of my own, but because of God and His inspiration.

God also used (and uses) my husband in a big way to inspire me, too. To inspire me to start playing piano a bit (he plays wonderfully) and to make this video, and the verses used are also a reflection of my husband's precious heart, and my own heart, too.

I wanted to record the Scriptures with our other (much better) microphone. It took several days to get to doing that. The night my husband set up the microphone for me to use, and worked with me to get my positioning right and so forth, I reached for his Bible, which was there on his desk, to read something out loud to test the mic and its settings with. I 'randomly' opened it, wondering what I'd be opening to, and once it was open my eyes fell right on the opening verses for this video! (Though, his Bible is a KJV, and I didn't use the KJV for this video).

Those verses were:

Lord, how are they increased that trouble me! many are they that rise up against me.
Many there be which say of my soul, There is no help for him in God. Selah.
But thou, O Lord, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.
I cried unto the Lord with my voice, and he heard me out of his holy hill. Selah.
Psalm 3:1-4

Thank You, Jesus. You are SO good!

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