Where do I find the fullness of life?

for the Father was pleased that in him all fullness should dwell, and through him to reconcile all things to himself, both on earth and in heaven, having made peace through the blood of his cross
Colossians 1:19

Many of us invest a lot of our strength and our life looking for fulfillment. We seek to achieve dreams, people, money, love, success among others, believing that there is fullness but in the end we end up empty, tired and dejected, because these are only a complement to fullness, but it is not the essence of it.

This is because the Father who created us, ordained that the fullness of life only dwell in his son Jesus Christ, so that if we reach Him, we will have everything. In Christ is peace, joy and justice that does not depend on what is outside of us or of any circumstance but on Him, who always wishes to dwell within us to sate us of constant plenitude regardless of the external circumstance.

Today I invite you to invite Jesus Christ into your life and begin to converse with Him and value Him because it is real and will bring the fullness that you have always sought.

Blessed day

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