in #christianity6 years ago


Today Catholics all over the world have celebrated the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. And to celebrate Mama Mary’s birthday we did our best to be able to hear mass today even with the different schedules we have. I mean my wife is working and the kids has activities in school, but at least we were able to attend the Holy Mass.

What I learned today:

Some Christian sects completely misunderstood the role of Mama Mary in God’s salvation history, most of them think that she was merely a vessel that God used to be the woman who will give birth to the son of God Jesus Christ and will be forgotten thereafter.

But the truth is God looked with favor upon Mama Mary, indeed she wasn’t just a mere vessel. The virgin Mary is the only person on earth to hold the title of “Mother of God” and no other woman in the Bible comes even close and that generations will call her “blessed”.

Why do we Catholics pray to Mary when she's not omnipresent?

First of all, we Catholics do not pray to Mama Mary, instead we pray with her and ask her to arbitrate with us to her son Jesus.

Here I understand that in real life when in times wherein we could not just easily approach someone for some important matters, I believe that it is best to come to his mother first and then she will do the rest for you.

Prayer for Today

To celebrate Mama Mary's birthday, I would like to request the pious reader to please pray the Rosary and ask Virgin Mary to help bring peace to the world.

God bless us all!


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Happy Birthday Mother Mary. Although we were not able to hear mass today we prayed the rosary and offered it for the conversion of sinners and for all souls in purgatory.

You pray to Mary. You violate the 1st commandment. Purgatory doesn't exist. The very concept is blasphemy. It says that what Jesus suffered on the cross was insufficient to pay for your sins. Catholics aren't Christians. They're Marians.

As I have said so many times to you I am Catholic and I follow and believe what my church tells me. I do not object to you believing something different. You are entitled to that as I am to mine. Have a good evening and don't lose sleep over Mother Mary. She doesn't want that for you because she loves you more than you know.

That's disgusting. Mary is NOT our mother. Mary can't hear you when you pray to her. If she could she'd tell you to pray to God instead.

Catholics deliberately corrupt the Bible to justify their false doctrine.

(John 19:26-27 NIV) When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to his mother, "Dear woman, here is your son," {27} and to the disciple, "Here is your mother." From that time on, this disciple took her into his home.

Jesus had John care for his mother following his death. He wasn't proclaiming a new religious doctrine. NOBODY in the New Testament talks about honoring Mary. Mary isn't even mentioned in the Bible after Acts 1:14.

Jesus discouraged people from giving his earthly mother any special honor.

(Luke 11:27-28 NIV) As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd called out, "Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you." {28} He replied, "Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it."

Mary didn't have any special authority over Jesus. Jesus was on earth to do the will of his father.

(Luke 11:27-28 NIV) As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd called out, "Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you." {28} He replied, "Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it."

Thank you for your wonderful insight into the matter but just as @gems.and.cookies mentioned above we are entitled to our own belief.

I will not go over into what you think is right or what you believe as true, but I respect you and hope you respect us too.

In life, we can never be sure on everything or anything. Even those who claimed to be the only persons who will be saved doesn't hold that assurance, only God knows and what is important is we are trying our best to live with what God has commanded us to do. And even if were doing that, human as we are we still commit sins.

And that's the reason why we need the intercession of the Virgin Mary. As I've mentioned above, things seems to be easier when we will ask for help from a mother of a person whom we want to ask for forgiveness or even when we ask for something. A mother will always have a special part in anyone's heart and that whatever a mother ask or will say to her son or daughter, she will always be heard.

God bless us all!

I could not have said it any better. A truly blessed response @long888. Oh if only they know how much Mother Mary loves us all.

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