in #christianity7 years ago

It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honor of kings is to search out a matter. Proverbs 25:2

As children of the Most High God, a chosen people and a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9), it is our honor to search out and discover the marvelous things that God has concealed in His Holy Word.

According to Hebrew understanding, the Scriptures have a depth of meanings and applications. There are four modes of rabbinic interpretation. PaRDeS is an acronym formed by the Hebrew letters “pey,” “resh,” “daleth” and “samekh” that refers to four approaches to biblical exegesis in rabbinic Judaism. In other words, over the centuries the rabbis developed four methods of interpreting passages of Scripture.

The approaches of interpretation range from P'shat פְּשָׁט (“simple or plain”) to Sod” סוֹד ("secret or mystery")

Sod means that the mystical or hidden meaning can be arrived at by investigating the correlation of Hebrew letters, numerical values, unusual spellings, transposing letters and reinterpreting words, etc. In other words, this level assumes that God hides the deepest meanings in the smallest letters or number values of the Hebrew words.


We can use the “sod” method to discover some remarkable things about the most important of God's names. It is the four-letter name represented by the Hebrew consonants. In modern Hebrew there is no “W” sound and the pronunciation of God's Holy Covenant name is Yehovah. There is some evidence that in ancient Hebrew the Vav was pronounced as “Waw” and the "Tetragrammaton“(meaning "the four letter word“) was pronounced Yahweh.
It is this form of God’s name, often referred to as the Ineffable Name,that is the most frequently used in the Bible (6,828 times). When you read the word LORD written in all capitals in an English translation of the Old Testament it represents Hebrew Covenant name of God. The primary reason for the use of LORD in place of God's Hebrew name is to follow the tradition of the Israelites in not pronouncing or spelling out God's name.

By transposing the consonants Yod-Heh-Vav-Heh that spell Yehovah creates three verbs:

heh yod hey – (Hah Yah) “Was”
heh vav hey – (Ho Vay) “Is”
heh vav hey vav – (Yee Hee Yay) “Is to Come”

The very name of the LORD (Yehovah) reveals that He is the One "who was, and is, and is to come!"

Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him. Psalm 34:8

This is a taste of the teachings to come; just to wet your appetite and spark your interest.

If you were blessed by this teaching and missed seeing my three previous posts, please use the links provided below:

“Hearing God’s Voice” -

“Keys for Unlocking the Treasure of Divine Understanding” -

"The Full Armor of God" -

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I love this brother! Was, Is, and Is to come!
God bless!

Dear Abba William,

There are several more beautiful hidden insights about Yehovah and His Holy Word that are revealed in this series. Enjoy!

One of my confessions when studying God’s Word. “It is the honor of God to conceal a thing, but the honor of kings to search those things out” like mining for gold.

Dear Beloved-in-Messiah William,

When we dig into the Scriptures and have our hearts and mind anointed by the Spirit we will find great treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. Matthew 5:14-16

The Word exhorts me to share the light of revelation that the Lord has revealed to me through my years of study. Sadly, very few people have read my posts.

If any of my teachings has especially blessed you, I would be extremely grateful if you would prayerfully consider resteeming one or two of them.

Todah Rabah, Brother Steven

It seems difficult to get a good discussion going here. It is not a complaint, but an observation. I have posted some bible topics with almost no discussion as a result. I am sure it will take time to build an audience. As in any environment, if you preach or teach just the cake and candy of God”s Word, you can build a mega church. Preach repentance, holiness, picking up yiur cross or dying to self. The faithful remnant will be there.
God bless brother
Daddy William

Dear Daddy William,

I am in total agreement with your observation that mega churches rarely preach about repentance and holiness.

They do not want to afflict the comfortable and need to comfort the afflicted.

How many large churches in America have pastors preach on the blessings for suffering for Christ?

Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:10

Blessings to you as well!

The biggest mystery of the Bible is: how can a book be all time top seller without to change nothing from it year after year.
The answer? God makes no mistakes and god made the bible.

Fascinating post. There is a good number of Christians active on steemit, but very few are scholarly in any sense. I appreciate your insight and I'm looking forward to reading more.

Thank YOU! I really appreciate your encouragement. I really want to contribute to the Christian community on Steemit and share many of the insights into the Word that the Lord has revealed to me.

Have you had the opportunity to look into some of my previous posts? The links to them are provided at the bottom of this post. For example, "The Armor of God" post explains the rationale as to why the pieces of armor are in a particular order. There are both natural and spiritual reasons why the belt of truth is first, the breastplate is second, etc.

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