Love the Atonement for Sin

in #christianity7 years ago

A man from birth till He died at age 33 did not say one evil word, not even by mistake. He was perfect in all standards. He did not tell a single lie, not even one for 33 years. Picture Him in his father's capentery shop. Joseph says" Jesus make sure you finish this piece of furniture before I'm back from Capernaum" and never once did He fail to deliver. He carried out given instructions to the letter.Now remember sin is not measured by man's standard but by God's standard and God looks not at the outward appearance of a man but at his heart. That is to say Jesus never for once entertained one angry thought. Not one mischevious or naughty thought. He never even thought about sinning. Not even His junior brothers could get Him angry. He never treated any of them unfairly. Throughout His teenage years He was never rebellious at His parents. He never even thought of lying. He never said what he didnt mean.(Yes he never joked he always meant what he said)I mean this guy was perfect in all standards. He literally prayed without ceasing, wow!. If you don't believe this then you don't believe He was blameless. It also means you don't believe He was a worthy Lamb.
Picture Jesus as He went up the mountain to meditate, His imaginations never went vain. He will pray for people who had set Himself up to be His enemies. He loved them with all His heart. The Pharisees and teachers of the law didn't know that standing in front of them was the only reason their "keeping" of Mosaic Law could be of any significance. They persecuted Him and tempted Him. Looking for ways to make Him sin.Yet them He rebuked them in love.(O the foolishness of man the creator of the universe was in their midst but thier hearts where to hardened for them to perceive, much like what is still happening today) The Bible says anything done outside faith is sin. That is to say from His very first miracle to the last He never entertained doubt or unbelief. Not even a shadow of doubt. He did not utter one more word than He was commanded by His Father to do, for that would have been sin. He did the right thing at the right time every single time. Anything short of this standard would have been sin. I can imaging how amazed the disciples where for those three years being so close to Him and yet they never saw Him make a single mistake. Jesus from adolescence to adulthood never looked at a woman with lust. Not even once. Here He was after successfully maintaining this standard of perfection every single day for 33years he was about to die. I don't know if you have ever been struck for something you didn't do before, but I have and I can assure you there is a sudden surge of anger that flows through the veins towards the person meting out the punishment. With Jesus it was love flowing in His veins even with the full knowledge that He was one making it possible for that soldier to go to heaven. He was about to die for all the sins those men ever committed and yet, here they were mocking Him. His heart was still burning with love towards them. When He said Father forgive them for they know not what they do, I imagine a delibration going on in heaven as to whether the sins of these ungrateful people be included in the salvation package, and as the Love of the father hung on that cross, He says Father yes include them, I created them also, I love them as much as I love Myself( My simple paraphrase). Now not just anger but also fear, For fear is sin. Imagine a spear is about to be driven into your side and there is no iota of fear in you, remember that Jesus felt pain as much as anyone did. He was as human as you are. Visualize Those terrible looking Roman whips as every lash hit Him there was no fear of the next lash, His heart was full of love towards those cruel demon possessed soldiers. They put a spike on your hand and they are about to nail it to a cross yet there is no fear. Now after the first hand is nailed they put a spike on the next and there still is no fear in anticipation of the next spike being driven through your hand. The both of your legs are crossed together and still no iota of fear. Talk of a willing Lamb. Talk of a worthy Lamb._20180315_074453.JPG
Here is where it was dicey He was 100% God yet 100% man. So every single time he did right every single time he did not sin it was a conscious decision. The moment he sinned the whole universe would have self destructed( Believe me I have found Someone to worship for the rest of my life). Because then God would have sinned or simply put God would be imperfect. And since God is perfect Love the moment He sinned He will no longer be perfect Love. He would have ceased to be God. Call the biggest gamble ever. God put His existence on the line to save us. The Bible speaking about Jesus in Hebrews 1:2 said :Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power. It was vital to both heaven and earth that Jesus maintained a standard of perfection. The worlds as we know them would have ceased to exist if Jesus sinned. Yet He was perfect to the end. And when he said it is finished , He meant it He had paid for the sins of the whole world from the time of Adam to the last child that will ever be born. All He asks is you accept him that's all. Believe and receive.He has paid for every sin you have ever committed or can ever think of committing The only sin that will send you to Hell is rejecting such perfect Love. I make bold to say that anyone who rejects such pure unconditional Love is not only a fool but deserves to go to Hell. Jesus put himself through all this put the balance of the universe on the line so that you and I can be with Him forever. Then you reject it. If I was God I will send such a person to a place more terrible than Hell although I doubt there is such a place. Please accept that Love today. Its all you have been looking for.

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