Love revealed expressly through creation part 2

in #christianity7 years ago

Love revealed expressly through creation pt 2.IMG_20180228_023346.jpg
A knowledge of faith is vital to understanding creation. In Heb. 11:6 we see that without faith it is impossible to please God. Verse 31 of the first book of Genesis shows us that God was pleased with his work. It is then obvious that faith was required for creation. So then what is faith
"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Heb 11:1
Isn't that perfect,God had to believe that what He said comes to pass.He had to picture creation. Faith is more than just saying and believing it also involves you picturing what you are believing in its manifested form. Its easier for us because we have images for basically everything we believe for. But God had no previous image to look at. Before God created trees there where no trees. How did he know what a tree was going to look like. That's where my precious Holy Spirit comes in. He is the inspiration behind creation. Wow! Now imagine having the inspiration that created the universe on the inside of you.
Now get this ,the way your mind works is you use words to form pictures and then pictures to form words. Ok its like this I see a girl and tell her you are beautiful, immediately what happens is that she sees herself as beautiful, a picture is formed in her mind, which makes her smile (if she accepts that image). And then if she is cultured she will respond by saying thank you. Hope you got that. Now the Holy spirit first formed an image which is what happened in Gen 1:1, then using that image he formed words which when accepted by the Father and uttered by the Son(Word) gave birth to a physical image. You see that every word uttered by the Father is inspired by the spirit. But in my first illustration remember I saw the girl and what happened is that I compared her to an already formed standard of beauty in my mind. That's why someone might look beautiful to one person and the same person is not appealing to another. After I ascertained her beautiful I then uttered the words. We start to see the power of words. The holy spirit had no image to look at, How did He do it?? I was talking to someone the other day and I said this is the height of intelligence. I love his reply, He said its more than intelligence. It was wisdom. Which leads us to Proverbs 8: 24 where wisdom speaking said "When there were no depths, I was brought forth; when there were no fountains abounding with water." This clearly shows us that wisdom was conceived by the Holy Spirit,before verse 2 of Genesis 1. So the Holy spirit then used wisdom to form the image of creation Proverbs 8:23 confirms this."I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning, or ever the earth was." So we see that the Trinity was completely involved in creation. The Spirit conceived the image the Father had faith in the image and by the Son spoke what he saw. Thereby bringing into existence everything we can see. If God without any previous image created everything around us so perfect. Then imagine how special we are to Him. He took his time to make us in Hisimage and likeness. You are a representation of God. God loves you. He smiles everytime he looks at you. It means a lot to Him when you accept his love. He didnt come to die for animals or trees He came to die for you. He wants you to be by His side forever. He wants to spend eternity with you. He wants to pour out his love on you both in this world and in the world to come.Everything that concerns you bothers him. God loves you.Then when you realize you are created in the likeness of God. You start to understand the power of your imagination faith and words. With this I expect you to go over Genesis chapter one again. Our God is simple yet complex, and complex yet simple. I believe its time we start asking God questions and stop taking things for granted.Proverbs 25: 2" It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." My Father is the King of kings. This means we are kings. God bless you amen

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