The Bible - God's Word - A Book Accurate in All Respect

in #christianity7 years ago (edited)


  • Scientifically Accurate -
    Although the Bible is not a science textbook, it is accurate when it discuses the natural world. Consider examples from the fields of metrology and genetics.

Meteorology- Formations of Rain
The Bible states: [God] draws up the drops of water, they condense into rain from his mist, then the clouds pour it down" - Job 36:27,28
Here the Bible describes the three main steps of the hydrological cycle. God - the source of solar heat - "draws up the drops of water by:
(1) evaporation. Then by means of
(2) condensation, the uplifted water vapour forms clouds that pour water down as rain or some other form of
(3) precipitation. Even now, meteorologists do not fully understand all the details of the phenomenon of rain.
Interestingly, the Bible asks: "can anyone understand the layers of clouds? (Job 36:29). The Creator, however, does understand the rain cycle and see to it that a human writer would include the fact accurately in the Bible. And he did this long before men could explain the basic process scientifically.

  • Genetics - Development of the Human Embryo
    The Bible writer king David said to God. "your eyes even saw me as an embryo, all its parts were written in your book" (Psalm139:16). In poetic language, David speaks of an embryo developing according to the directions written in a preexisting "book", or plan. Amazingly, this was written some 3,000 years ago.
    Yes, it was not until the mid- 1800's that Austrian botanists, Gregor Mendel discovered the basic principles of genetics. And only in April 2003 did researchers finish sequencing the human genome, which contains all the genetic information needed to build a living human body. Scientists have described the genetic human code as being like a dictionary filled with words made up of letters of an alphabet. These words form the genetic instructions.
    Based on these instructions, the embryo's part - such as the brain, heart, lungs and limbs - develop in precise sequence and with perfect timing. Fittingly, the genome have been described by scientists as the "book of life". How was the Bible writer David able to be so accurate? He humbly admitted, "the spirit of Jehovah spoke through me, his word was on my tongue" - 2 Samuel 23:2.

  • Accurately Predict the Future
    It is very difficult - if not impossible - to know when, how and to what extent kingdoms and cities will rise or fall. Yet the Bible foretold the destruction of mighty rulerships and cities in great details. Consider just one example.

The Fall and Desolation of Babylon
Ancient Babylon was the hub of a powerful empire that exerted influence over western Asia for centuries. At one time it was the world's largest city. Yet some 200 years in advance, God inspired the Bible writer Isaiah to prophesy that a conqueror by the name of Cyrus would overthrow Babylon and that it would end up uninhabited forever (Isaiah 13:17-20, 45:1,2). Is that what really happened?


In one night, in October 539 B.C.E, Cyrus the Great conquered Babylon. In time, the canal that once irrigated the surrounding fertile region chocked up from neglect. By 200 C.E, the site was said to have been deserted. Truely, Babylon has "become utterly desolate" - Jeremiah 50:13.
Where did the Bible writer get such accurate historical foresight? The Bible reveals that this was "a pronouncement against Babylon that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw in vision" - Isaiah 13:1.


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The above article and pictures are culled from the No. 3, 2017 issue of Awake magazine, a publication of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania.


I wish they would translate it to English correctly.

"...thy word is truth".

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