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in #christianity7 years ago

The Reprobates fate.

Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?

What is in this scripture all christians should contemplate, but the reprobates these thoughts will escape. There many people are in the church today but the sad thing most of them think they are okay, in the way. But in reality they are just getting in their own way. They fail to do self examination, inceptions and they rebel against God's directions which provides protection from the evil one, Satan. That damn, devilish, deceiver who has fooled many of so called believers.

Lots of people will hear but few will draw near by following the demands by obeying the commands of Christ because he has the power to change dirty hearts into clean minds and a few will take the time to read and even fewer we allow The Lord to lead them in their walk and teach them how to talk. For they will balk and so many will bounce and renounce the truth of that good gospel that can save and heal. But those same words can judge and seal the Reprobates fate.

See the reprobates believe they are right and they are willing to fight even thought they are wrong as two left shoes. Reasoning in righteousness is useless and fruitless just like reprobates lives because they have devise to take heed to the lies see the reprobates despises divine correction. See the reprobates have made their selection, their choice to not listen to the heavenly voice of God. What is odd the reprobates think they are doing the job, the work of the savior and they believe their service is sweet smelling savor and doing a favor for the most high. But the reprobates odor, aroma is foul, sour, sinks to high heaven due to the sin, the leaven.

The reprobates will never admit to their wrong be it large or small they think their on the ball. The reprobates will not listen to the call of the Holy Ghost but instead host seducing spirits and doctrines of demons and devils that brings their souls down many levels cause reprobates conscience has been seared and they have no real fear of God. For the reprobates have been rob of the ability to listen and learn see the reprobates heart has been burned, scared and too callus to repent from their unrighteousness ideas and ways. For the reprobates will remain unchanged.

To reprobates that may read or hear this poetry, these proses I trying my best to step on your toes and deliver some lyrical, metaphysical may dare say spiritual blows not to make you mad but the sad thing you won't feel them. Because you have become immune to them cause your already domed even though you are not in tomb for there is no room for Jesus Christ to be rule in your life. For you have not struggles or stiffs to do God's will because you, the reprobates fate has been sealed.

"J" WooX The SoapboX

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