The Beauty of Grace

in #christianity7 years ago (edited)

Grace transforms all of your mistakes from serving shame to serving a purpose. 😍

Grace. Undeserved. Yet freely given.

This so called grace is what kept my life in track and in sync with my purpose in life. All of us have fallen short of the glory of our Father in heaven. We are all unpure and sinners by nature and sadly sometimes by choice. I, personally, had my fair share of failures and backslides. I have chosen a path so wide that I gained a lot of influence from friends and little did I know that the path I was taking was narrowing the light within me. I got lost in this luxurious yet chaotic cycle of life. I did things I knew I shouldn’t do and said things I knew was not nice to say. I was my own master and I mastered my own life.

Out there, there is a true master. The thing is, this master has existed before us and will continue to exist after us. This master is not the usual masters we know who dictate and impose rules to us. This master that we usually took for granted is a gentleman. He does not force us to serve him nor does he bribe us to make him Lord of our lives. This is the master I met when I thought I have already mastered my own life. I never thought that I needed rescue. Infact, I never knew I was dying and drowning with my life habits.

Right at the very moment when I thought I can master my own life, the true Master revealed Himself to me.
You see, God loves me so much that He had to interfere and meet with me before I could completely get lost in the world. And believe me, If He sets you up to an encounter with Him, Oh see how your life just change and transform in a blink of an eye. You will feel so disgusted with yourself that you can’t even imagine why and how you have been living your life. God loves each one of us and I am very sure that He will always make his way to set up and encounter with you and it’s only up to us if we respond to Him or we just brush him off like a dust in the wind. Again, it’s not dictatorship. It’s free will and free choice.

My heart goes out to those who are trapped in their own manholes, to those who are chained in their own doings, and to those who are slaves of bad habits, all those things, the enemy may have meant it for bad but we have a big God who can use it all for good. Don’t sit there and wait to be rescued coz darling 2000 years ago love came down and rescued you. This master is the only master I know who made himself a slave and died for his people. When Jesus Christ shed his blood on that cross, that was grace overflowing from Him to us. His death redeemed us and cleansed us even when we don’t deserve redemption and cleansing. Grace is manifested right there on the cross of blood. Enjoy the rewards of being rescued. Don’t just sit there and wait, go to Him, call unto Him. He freely gives it to each and every one of us. Live a life as if it’s your last. Don’t waste the goodness and amazing perks of being saved. There is nothing sweeter than knowing someone died for you. Not like he is suicidal or anything (that is freaky and scary love), but he died in replacement of you (now this is TRUE LOVE). ❤ Ponder on that, believe in your heart, and amazing things will come your way! 😀 🙌

1 Peter 5:10 And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you

How about you? What’s your story of His Grace? Tell the world of His goodness and majesty!

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