Here By Grace

in #christianity7 years ago (edited)

We exist because of grace. There have been trials, troubles, temptations, and failures over the years. And the only reason and way we still exist is because of the grace of God. We all want a piece of paradise, yet we cannot get anywhere near heaven without the grace of God.

In Titus 2:11-12, we see that "the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. It teaches us to say 'No' to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age...."

Don't be afraid to talk about grace for fear that people may use this precious gift as a licence to sin. People who want to sin will find a way to sin. That cannot be our resolve. We need to learn from grace. Make this a great year in which we all learn in a transformative way about the grace of God.

We cannot be afraid to admit that we need help. Let's seek others who can mentor us. I have seen God administer his grace through countless mentors I have had in my lifetime. And this grace has changed me... it has saved me.


Amen! Paul would not have spent almost two chapters in Romans urging Christians to not use grace as a license to sin unless grace was so amazing in its magnitude of total forgiveness and imputed righteousness. Grace is best appreciated when we realize how completely wicked, lost, and bankrupt we are. Grace, like a river, flows into the lowest place first, and fills it to overflowing. When we get low, in God's economy, that's the way to get high. And that's a way better high than what you can get from the craziest drug out there. A high with no side effects. Thanks for sharing this message today. God bless you!

You too, @mattphilleo. I appreciate your analogy as well. Grace, like the song says, really is amazing.

it is our greatest duty to know how to dominate ourselves, of course we will have fun but we must not make a god from our minds

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