Encouraging Word for the Day.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #christianity6 years ago (edited)

howdy folks and greetings from the Great Plains of North Texas
where it's a very mild 90 degrees today... a little respite from
the 100s we've been experiencing.

I wanted to share an encouraging word today but I'll make it brief
don't worry. I ain't no preacher..I don't want to be no preacher..God
doesn't want me to be no preacher and I thank Him for that. So this
will be short! lol.

It don't take length to give a powerful word but I wanted to share a
word about how to come through the fires of life without being burnt
to a crisp!

We all face trials, challenges, sickness, betrayals, stress from work
and in life from all sides...but there is a way to not just survive but
thrive in the midst of all that junk.

fire.jpgsource: unsplash.com

First of all, when facing difficulties which we have no answer for and
don't know how to handle then we must trust God. I mean if the One
who created the universe and everything in it can't fix our problem
then who can?

We sure can't fix all our problems, I used to specialize in making them
worse. But trying to fix them ourselves without involving God
normally DOES makes things worse.

Why? Because usually fixing them is above our paygrade, we're not
equipped. And God SO wants us to rely on Him.

Yes.. He wants us to walk in love and walk in faith and let
Him take care of it. "All things are possible to him who believes"
Mark 9:23

So it takes faith. You gotta give Him something to work with because
God is moved by faith.

God CANNOT and WILL NOT fail. I have experienced this over and
over in my life and am so thankful!

And for your future success it would be wise to put your trust in Him
so that He can guide you and keep you from making catastrophic
mistakes in the first place.

free.jpgsource: unsplash.com

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own
in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path."
Prov 3:5-6

Does that make total sense or what? Okay that's my Sunday
amateur preaching for the day.

Thanks for reading folks, trust in God and He will never fail you.
God bless you all!

-jonboy Texas
the gentleman redneck

you might just be a redneck if :

you've ever hit a deer with your car......on purpose!



Good thought, Jon...and very wise advice. Sadly, when I was young I was not very good at taking advice. There's something about youth already "knowing at all," that just makes being young in a world that hates Christ a dangerous place to be. I am so grateful the God has so often protected me from myself, because I certainly didn't deserve it!

Good red neck joke. If I ever get hungry enough....(I'll use the truck though...)

lol! laughing about your redneck joke response..ya'll have alot of
deer and things up there to run over right? lol
the other point.. none of us deserve it...yes we all should be thankful for God's grace and patience with us, but with kids He sees the future result but we can't, He knew how you'd turn out!

We trust in God to help make things right, but He has his work cut out for Him some days. If man knows how to mess something up, he usually does and in royal fashion too.

lol! so true, we are a depressing mess too much of the time
but God's Grace is there for those that trust in him.
unfortunately your country is the poster child of what man's
nature can wrought if left to his own carnal, selfish desires.

This is so true...

And God SO wants us to rely on Him.

This is true. And we can't help it! He made us and sustains us. Even those who rebel against Him and hate Him.

He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. Matthew 5:45


oh my gosh God's love for us is unfathomable!
we can't even comprehend it.
thank you for your contribution sir!

thank you sir FarmerBowen!
God bless you and yours!

Living a good kind life is most important to have with trust.

yes and amen to that!

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