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RE: The Intriguing Growth of Texas Cowboy Churches!

in #christianity6 years ago

howdy back at ya sir @willymac! "avoid cookouts where dead animal parts are being burned " that's a very unusual way to describe a BBQ, are you guys vegetarians? yeah I hear ya with the explosives. our German Shepard Jack grew up hearing gunfire so that's okay but explosives and thunder freak him out so we stay home like you.

I have always worked on the 4th and the entire time we've been married,22 years, we've always worked so we don't have a traditional 4th activities like most people. Tomorrow, or today, it's 1am, my wife works and I work around the house and on Steemit. pretty boring but we're not leaving Jack by himself, here in our part of the country there is tremendous fireworks, gunfire and big explosions going off all week so we keep Jack company.
thank you sir!


Yeah, sorry. I know it was an indelicate way to put it, but I can't tolerate the smell of BBQ and have no appetite when around the aroma. I also think it is the only food consumed on weekends and holidays around here!

Yep, I've been a vegetarian since 1971. An event back during the Vietnam War caused me to change my eating habits. My SOIC is Buddhist and a non-meat eater also, so it works out for us. We are both healthy, so I have missed nothing.

The Fourth has been a family day for me for 30 years, at least until my Mom died and my siblings announced that they were not doing it any more. So, we just stopped the Fourth celebration at my house and that took the magic from the holiday for me. The nieces and nephew were adults and didn't relate to the old people sitting around on the deck while talking about the ancient past (as the kids saw it). Things change.

I still plan to empty a couple of 30 round mags just to keep the Spirit of '76 alive and salute the Liberty Tree.

Mike will seek refuge in the bathroom where I keep a fan on for him to help mask outside sounds. He will sleep through it in there.

howdy today @willymac! oh that's okay about the BBQ description I totally understand, I just wasn't sure if you were joking or not because you come up with such funny stuff at times and if that was joking it would be funny as well.

your siblings, where are they and what do they do, or did?
that sounds like a great way to keep Mike from being upset, good job!
hopefully it'll just mainly be tonight.

Actually, it was meant to be a lighthearted comment. I learned back in the 70's that saying, "I'm sorry, I'm a vegetarian" was asking for people to to make negative comments about it. I heard, "I'm sorry you're a vegetarian, too," so many times I changed my opening move (like in chess) and it really did change the way people reacted.

I'm not offended by what other people eat, but the BBQ smell is the bothersome thing for me; just something I would rather avoid. You know how weird memories can be.

I think it surprises some people when I say that because it has never occurred to them that it is an accurate description of what they are doing.

Siblings had their own lives and the family drifted apart after Mom died. then brother died and my sister has never been close to us. No problems here with the conditions.

Mike's safe room usually works if I can get him there and in his sleeping place before the sounds get too loud. I heard two semi-autos popping off at noon. They started at the same time about a couple of miles apart, so it must have been two friends celebrating. Usually starts at eight with fireworks and people shut it down before 9:30. Fireworks for the kids, mostly. New Years from ten until midnight sounds like pitched battles going on at times!

I just spent three hours burning a lot of limbs and pine tree parts. I'm about cooked! On July 4th, of all times! I might just have to go out about 8:30 and shoot some stumps. Just sayin'

lol! howdy willymac...that line you have about the BBQ is a great one because people really don't think of it that way, that forces them to. That's good psychology.
What branch of the service were you in?

USAF, back in the Vietnam War era.

How about you, Cowboy? Any military in your background?

howdy again @willymac thank you for your service, were you a pilot?
No sir I didn't have any military..when I was 17 my number was 1 in the draft, then when I turned 18 it was down in the hundreds so I didn't have to go.

Not a pilot. I was an electronics technician specializing in long range radar, aircraft identification devices and electronic countermeasures. It was the best job I ever had. I volunteered when I qualified for the electronics tech school; best move I ever made, and I loved every moment of it. No regrets!

wow willymac that sounds wonderful, were you tempted to stay in longer since it was working so well for you, and make a long term career out of it?

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