The light at the end of the tunnel leads to heaven -

in #christianity6 years ago (edited)

44 - James Martinez  - Aswan Creations LLC  (1 of 1) - signed.jpg

Just so you know where I’m coming from; I’m not here to prove anything to anyone. I came to share what we’ve accomplished already.

(Truth is, it’s one of the most amazing blessings the worlds ever seen) Not kidding, and I say this humbled and abased by God Himself.

If ever you’ve wanted to see how amazing His grace is just look at all He’s done for the seemingly undeserving. Father God gives and forgives. I testify to this and give thanks to Him for Jesus.

The hardest part of bringing this story to life was realizing the condition of the world. (You’d be surprise at how many aren’t where they think they are) Those who war against God and His children are so far misled from love, they struggle with faith and belief and don’t even understand why they’re upset at life.

They become advocates for the opposition and fight to keep their ungodly ways. If you know you know!

Learning the truth about life and death though can be a scary thing, especially if one’s not living right. I assure you there is a right and a wrong way. (according to God) Now I’ve heard some argue there isn’t and that everything we do we’re destined to do, so, “How can anyone ever not be doing something right?”

The philosophical approach would suggest otherwise. Look at society for a moment, is killing another human being, right? Is it deemed okay by anyone? What about thievery? Do we look favorably at those who steal from us or try and possess something that isn’t theirs? What about wickedness, is it okay to do evil, how much do we favor the unjustly things we’ve all seen in our lives? (not much I’m sure)

Unrighteousness is ungodly any way you put it, it’s the reason God revealed what true righteousness is. (See Jesus’ life) We’re meant to live faithfully in love, doing what is right and pleasing to The Lord. We’re meant to follow God’s commandments doing everything in His name. We’re meant to follow His example, living in unity as one. We’re asked to live this way so that we may bless others and create greater lives for ourselves in the process.

Its difficult to see the true nature of righteousness when pride and ego cloud the mind. The world suffers from it. It’s been that way since the beginning. Its challenging to live mindfully in a world where what is wrong is made to seem right and what is right is made to look wrong. The unrighteous not only cause their own pain and suffering but they approve of others doing the same as them. Its tragic!

It’s also why living is easy with eyes closed, it’s easy to try and live however we want thinking there are no consequences. It takes self-discipline though to stand upright faithfully in a world that tells you otherwise. And we all know anything worth doing is never easy. Having the courage to stand for what is right seems to be one of the biggest struggles for society today. If only everyone understood what was really at stake they’d stand upright this instant.

I do hope you’ll stay mindful of what comes after life. We’re on our way to either heaven or hell. (big topic I know) but I’ve seen them both. With God as my witness they’re just as real as the air we’re breathing. As real as the choices we make. Do you know which direction you’re heading?

Eternity is worth more than a few years of whatever I assure you.

For me, discovering life was one of the greatest blessings. I thought I was alive before I found God. It turns out, like most, I was trying to live a dying life instead of choosing an eternal one. We must factor in salvation in order to get the whole picture, without it we’re only fooling ourselves. (hence the real reason we see so much calamity in the world right now)

It doesn’t matter how much or how little we have either, if we don’t have a life we don’t have anything. (and don’t mistake believing that God exists, or you know God’s God, is enough to be covered for an after-life) There’s more to it I assure you.

What if I told you we’re expected to live a certain way and that by not living in that way we were in jeopardy of the righteous judgment of The One who made it all? Would you listen? Would it matter? How would your life change if you knew the truth of what was really at stake? What if God just leveled with you?

Have you ever heard of people blindly seeking to get into heaven? It means right now some are walking around with their eyes closed kidding themselves to thinking they’re on their way to an eternal life. I meet people all the time quick to tell me of their religion but haven’t a clue as to how to stand upright justly. (if this is you might want to check into that) The life you save could be your own.

But seriously, I write often of the struggles and the ongoing battles of good vs. evil. I write of the truth of life after-life according to what God has revealed. It’s not a game I assure you. You’re either striving for the prize (eternity) or you’re fighting for the wrong side.

This rather simple explanation is why it gets tricky in this world. People chose to accept the truth, or they don’t. I meet some who don’t even believe in God at all. I hear them make excuse as to why He can’t be real or relevant. I see them in their unrighteousness trying to justify unjustly things but then speaking of how good they are or how loving they are or how caring they are with others. The fall of man . . .

The question is would the life you’re living right now merit an eternal one?
Are you in love?

Thanks for the upvote and for following me.


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