Phil Robertson, an American Gospel about findind God

I wasn't always a Believer, I spent most of my life doing the opposite of what God wanted me to do. I knew it at the time, even reveled in it, but my soul started to hurt and I couldn't deny the pain anymore. My journey to Christ was about as long as it could have been, I tried to follow every religion but Christianity, but I know now that it had to be that way for me. I had to make to the choice with the full knowledge of what the decision meant, I had to feel what it was like to practice other religions, I had to come to it the hard way..... I reject force and authority and it wasn't until I started reading the letters of Lord Acton and Einstein's theory of general relativity, there is where I found God. Acton helped me separate The gospel from the authoritarians that ruin everything. Einstein based his last work on the idea that God provided us a cosmological constant that holds the universe in it's place, cradling it with His will. When I started to realize that these great minds came to the conclusion of their work with the help of God my walls crumbled.
That's when I read the Bible and heard the Word for myself. Like I said, a long road but the most beautiful part is it's just beginning.
Here in this post are 2 stories about coming to God, mine and Mr. Robertson's. Can you add yours as well?


Great post. I grew up in a very strict religious household. Christian values was my foundation. I, like you, rebelled from everything I was taught. Throughout my teens and twenties I rejected Christianity. It wasn't until I became a mother that I started my walk with God again. It hasn't been an easy journey but I know that I'm not alone.

great post. :) I, myself, would rather believe that there is a God that created us instead of us being here in this world because of chance. :)

It is a nice, safe feeling I'd say. I wish we could all know it but you have to want it for sure.

yeah brotha, my story was is bit different. i grew up in a religious household with fake christians that went to church for show. I first became a believer because i didn't want to go to hell. im one of those that got saved 100 times. But as I read the bible and grew in the faith, His grace transformed my life.

We live in interesting times. It's great to hear when people come on their own because they want to.

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