Day 2 "Today's challenge is ..."

in #christianity5 years ago

Today is a wonderful day to make things change, it does not matter if you are reading this post a year after its publication, I repeat NO MATTER! Because what matters is that you have the courage to do it.

Hello Steemians, blessed day, I greet you @genesis2000. I just want to remind you that each blog is a challenge for you and me, even if it does not seem like it; because the purpose of this is that we can learn together and improve each day.

Today is a day of many blessings for you even if you got up with your left foot, because even if your day started badly, it does not mean that it has to end badly.

The challenge today is going to be a little complicated, heyyy I said complicated, not impossible. We are going to have to put all our prejudices aside in order to carry out this challenge.

The challenge is based on Matthew 5: 38-48

Love your enemies

It is not to be hypocrites with those we dislike, is to be educated and want to be better day by day; we have the challenge to show affection or pleasure to our enemies.

If they ask you for a favor, and it's within your reach, do it without hesitation. I know it is not easy "I never said it was" but our model to follow is Christ, and that is one of the things that we entrust ourselves.

Christ said"LOVE YOUR ENEMIES" and love something very strong, but if God loved us even being sinners and the pure, how can we not love our enemies?

Little by little, you are going to realize that the lesson you are giving them by loving them without deserving it is going to change them in a positive way, because we are proving to be better than them even though that is not the goal.

Choose three people who are not to your liking to love them today.


Matthew 5: 38-48
Eye for an eye
»You have heard that it was said:" An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth ". But I tell you: Do not resist the one who does you wrong. If someone slap you on the right cheek, turn the other cheek too. If someone puts a lawsuit to remove your shirt, also leave the coat. If someone forces you to take the load a kilometer, take it two. To the one who asks you, give him; and whoever wants to borrow from you, do not turn away from him.

Love to enemies
»You have heard that it was said:" Love your neighbor and hate your enemy ". But I say to you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be children of your Father who is in heaven. He makes the sun rise on the bad and the good, and let it rain on the just and unjust. If you love only those who love you, what reward will you receive? Do not they do that up to the tax collectors? And, if you greet your brothers only, what else do you do? Do not they do this to the Gentiles? Therefore, be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect.

You will see how your day to day will change in a positive way, rejoice and feel how the blessings are falling on you.


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