in #christianity7 years ago (edited)

I am a believer.

I found Jesus and he changed my life.

This post is not going to be a religious post and you will find out why soon enough if you just keep reading. I want to open your eyes to see a truth than is hidden from most people.

When I say Jesus, you automatically think about religion, right? We are conditioned that way.

You see, I was born and raised in Israel, a Jewish country. Part of the deal was that I didn't even know about Jesus because he is for "a different religion". Little did I know that knowing nothing about him will help me see him for who he is because I didn't have any prejudice against him.

I was always passionate about gaining wisdom and self development. I loved consuming any piece of information that could make me better. Until one day, I came across Jesus.

My wife was the first one who shared with me about him and since I was eager to learn, I listened with no filters. After a while I decided to open the Bible and meet Jesus myself. I wanted to know who he really is, not what people say that he is. Now, if you read so far, the last sentence was a powerful one! We have to be able to separate who Jesus is from what people say he is.
People are ignorant, people are evil, people are uneducated and self-centered, people are not even close to be objective. People's opinions are as twisted as it gets. Don't take what people say as an absolute truth about anything, think for yourself and go do some research.

Now I am going to share with you what I found about Jesus in the Bible and I encourage you not to buy what I say and go so some reading. I will be happy that you will question me and go check it out, because you will see that it's true. Reading about his life will refute anything bad that you ever thought about Him.

As I was reading the Bible, I found that one of the greatest things that Jesus gave us is the free gift of righteousness. Righteousness means doing that right thing.

What's so special about righteousness you ask? I'll explain gladly.
When you do the right thing, your heart is clean. Only when your heart is clean you're able to find the only thing that humans really want and that's peace. Doing the right thing means telling the truth, it means being courageous, it means focusing on love rather the pride, it means giving your best shot every single time. If you live your life that way, you will see what real peace is. That is why Jesus is called The Prince Of Peace.
You won't have to hide anything because you're honest and real; you won't to wonder "What if" because you will always step up to the challenge, even if it's scary, because it's the right thing to do. When something "bad" happenes it will be easier to accept it. If it happened and you know that you did your best, that's probably what needed to happen.

You will have peace because you are doing everything right.

We tend to be deterred from God because people made us think that God means religion. Nowhere in the Bible Jesus said "I am the religion" but he said "I am the way, the truth and the life"and that's completely different from what humans made it to be. He is the way, the way of integrity and righteousness; He had only said true things and you will get to witness that only if you walk that way; and He will give life to our restless hearts.

My entire life I was looking for ways to be better when Jesus has already paved a way and all I have to do is follow.

Don't let people take Jesus away from you. You may be surprised, but people are capable of lying to you since the minute you were born.

Open the Bible and find him. Everything that he had done is for us. He who knew no sin became sin, so that you may have a chance to be what God created you to be.

Most people don't even know what's inside the Bible and I used to be one of them. It's time for you to stop following the masses and start following Jesus.
Whenever you try and fail, remember that he already paid the price in full, so get up and try again.

Thank you for reading.

Gal Hanukaev.

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