Your Daily Verse - #0

in #christianity7 years ago

I'm currently trying to incorporate more Bible reading time into my life. I'm on an 11-day strike and feel better spiritually than I have for months.
For the rest of December I'm planning a trial run of a post series here on Steemit called, you guessed it - Your Daily Verse.

The project

Your Daily Verse is meant to be a simple and easy to read post with nothing but a verse and a picture, as the meat of it. It's my hope that you'll chime in with your thoughts on the verse in the comments.

I won't offer my thoughts as part of the post because I don't want you to get hung up on my ideas. I want to offer you the WORD in it's simplest form, for you to ponder for the rest of your day.

If you already read the Bible every day, this is not meant to replace that reading, but to bring you into the WORD one more time that day. As a Christian, I don't think there's such a thing as spending too much time in the WORD and Steemit offers you and me the opportunity to do a lot of good. Hopefully, encountering the WORD here will help to strengthen your faith.

I'll hopefully be offering these posts Sunday- Friday. We rest on the Sabbath and while I technically could do and in fact may do a post after sundown on Saturdays, I won't commit to them as of now.


If you are not a believe

I hope you will do one of two things: 1) Skip these posts entirely and go on with your day. I promise I'll continue to post other content for you. But you could also 2) Read these posts with an open mind. I'm sure 90+% of the posts I'll do in this series will be able to add value to your life no matter if you believe or not. Let me know in the comments what it made you think of, even if you aren't a Christian, I will value your thoughts.

That's it my friends. This is day 0 of the Your Daily Verse project, let's see where it takes us.


Faith come by hearing, and hear the WORD of God. One can never get too much word😉 I’m thinking about doin a weekly prayer similar to what @wilx does, but I’m just goin to be praying. God Bless

Thank you. The weekly prayer is a wonderful idea.
I hope you'll stop by every day and give me your thoughts on the verse of that day.

I try and show as much support as I can for fellow Christians here. Working full time 10 hrs a day, 2 kids, 2 dogs and an amazing wife keeps me pretty busy but I will do what I can 👍🏻👍🏻

Sounds like it! You've been blessed greatly.

I "like" this post! I as well has decided to post verses, but for me it will only be every once and a while and I will admit that most of them come from the daily devotion put out by I won't do it everyday only on the days where I feel I need to share what Steve has put out with everyone here on Steemit!

That's a really good approach too. I follow you now so I'll see them when they pop up :)

I'm following you as well, praying you will be encouraged by anything I might share!

great idea!!

Thank you. I'm not sure what the response will be, but I hope people will embrace it.

good morning, frugallady. This is a great idea. Thou shalt not steal. One of the Big Ones. I'm gonna break it. Stealing your idea and making it my own. (one of my by-lines on my videos is "This has been grannybees recipe, now make it your own.")

So, I will go along with you each day and post a verse, too, with your blessing for theft. My husband and I have a daily reading plan, and I cannot tell you how many times a particular verse was exactly what we were needing at that very hour to help us on our life journey.

Those particular times made us stop and ponder the truth of the Father knowing our needs even before we ask and has already made provision.

What a mighty God we serve.

Amen to that.
This is not stealing, this is being inspired! I'm sure Steemit has room for both of us to do this. I will look forward to seeing what you come up with every day.

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