A Gypsy Moment ~The San Diego Bay Bustling With Activity

in #christianity7 years ago

Thanking YHWH God On The Shores Of The San Diego Bay

What a beautiful day this day was in San Diego. The bay is always busy and filled with activity. We were blessed with many boats coming and going. Today was no exception. For me, it was a quiet day of reflection on what YHWH God had done in my life. 

Having come to the beautiful city for medical reasons, I was thankful to find that the  intracranial aneurysm (anenrysm of the brain) has been healed completely. This was a direct answer to prayer and I am thankful to my Creator for complete healing.  

Next week, I will do the MRI and meet with the doctor that is watching the new tumor. But for today, I am delighted at the difference between what they found in October and what they found this last week. The intracranial aneurysm is healed. 

Jeremiah 30:17 

 For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal, declares the Lord.

Praising Him For All His Blessings, 

 Marla Silva @ floridagypsy   

 @ 2017 floridagypsy. All Rights Reserved.        


@floridagypsy Thank for this wonderful article. I would just like to ask if you can able to post here you ongoing medical condition, your medical check up and the result of it like the MRI and others. Kindly make an article about it and ask the community to help you out especially in terms of medical expenses. The community is most willing to help you I believed.

Thank you @rosher72. I voted for your comment and followed. My intention was to give YHWH The Lord glory. He also touched my life with healing in 2000 after my brain surgery, as the tumor, found in 1999, began to grow back. That tumor is very dead and I am thankful for the healing of YHWH The Lord. It is good to give Him glory. I know that YHWH will supply all my needs and I do not ever have to ask. He uses His people to help each other. I know that I have had an urge to help someone before who had said nothing about any need. When I acted on what God revealed to my heart, I found out latter that they had no food in the house. I never use my blogs to fund raise, only give Him Glory. Thank you so much for sharing my short testamony.

Amen. Will keep praying for you in our church. Sorry for the unsolicited words, I just want to help at least by doing what I think is right. Because while reading your article, I suddenly got such kind of conviction. Anyways I truly believe you and honoring your faith in The Lord. Let the healing touch of the Lord Jesus will continue flow upon your body now.

Ahmein and thank you @rosher72. Your advice was fine. I just don't want anyone to think I was fund raising on my blog. I just wanted to give YHWH the glory due him. Maybe someone else needed to know that prayer works. Before I came my Rabbi prayed for me and cursed the aneurysm and the tumor. I wanted them to understand the power of prayer. Next week they will check on the tumor. May YHWH bless you and keep you.

Amen! Just keep in touch, I'm chat away. Let me know the progress so we can watch over you through prayers. Shalom!

Thank you. I am humbled by the community support.

God bless! "He sent His Word and healed them."

Ahmein, By His stripes we were healed. Thank you. I followed you.

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