A Gypsy Moment ~ He Will Provide All That You Need

in #christianity7 years ago (edited)


Beautiful Birds Of The Field Need For Nothing 

Matthew 6:26  

"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” 

   "Explore your World and soar like an eagle"

Enjoy life's simple moments,

Marla Silva @ floridagypsy   

 @ 2017 floridagypsy. All Rights Reserved.         


That is some deep thoughts but if you have faith out Lord will provide us with what we need. Many people want God to provide things they want and I guess that is possible but I only expect what I need first.

Ahmein. Yes, He may provide our wants, but the promise is to provide our needs. The issue in this country is that we have blurred the line between the two. Our needs are really quite simple.

Yes I agree 100%

Matthew 10:29
"Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father." If He cares for the birds that much, I am sure He can take care of us.

This reminds me of something I heard not too long ago: Everything we need will be around us, already present. For example, we have an aloe plant growing in our yard, and over the last few years it has really taken off and we now have about 6 plants growing around it that we never planted. We also have a nurturing mama cat that showed up at our doorstep and never left. God always provides.

There are really so many things that He has provided for us. You can go out and find berries, wild cherries, wild plumbs and many greens in the forest. Find a fig tree and you can control blood sugar. The list could go on forever. He always provides what we need if we are willing to wait on His perfect timing.

It called the cactus? Right

I see a lot of desert succulent plants, but I am not seeing any cactus in that picture. Of course it was the bird that I was taking the picture of.

Thank for explaining

Your Welcome. I am going to do a Cactus picture after the Sabbath, probably on Sunday.

I think of the great hymn His Eye is On the Sparrow. Am following. Thanks for the post.

Thank you @enjoywithtroy. What a great song. Thanks for sharing it.

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