FOOD FOR THE SOUL | "give without letting your left hand know what your right hand is doing.”

But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth. Matthew 6:3(KJV)

We all know what a martyr is. We’ve all heard heartrending stories of heroic men and women who have died for Christ. But there’s another kind of martyr who isn’t courageous and noble, a great and constant sufferer who’s always willing to share their pain with anyone who will listen. This martyr wants everyone around to know what sacrifices they’re making in their life.

The “martyr trap” is such an easy one to fall into. We start out serving our families and friends and loving it. But after awhile, our hearts begin to change and we begin to expect something in return. Eventually, we no longer have the heart of a servant. Our attitude sours, and we soon find out we’ve become mired in self-pity. We’ve become a martyr.

The Bible says to give without letting “your left hand know what your right hand is doing.” In other words, God wants us to serve and give without caring if people notice or recognize us.

Have you fallen into the ‘martyr trap’? If so, ask God to give you His heart so that you can give selflessly without a concern for recognition.


I was so sad that my respected pastora (Redelyn Cruz) works so hard to spread the word of Christ on her facebook account but only few can reach. So I asked her if I can re-post it to my blog so more can read it?

What she said was, "You don't need permission from me, His words are for the world to know."

Please do check her, though I will also still be re-posting everything she posts for us here to have some food for our souls.

**image from

Thank you! Please feel free to re-blog, resteem or just let us know what you think. God bless!

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