in #christianity6 years ago

When the word of God is preached and obeyed, the darkness can no longer remain in the lives of those who embrace it and seek to obey and practice it. We can not reject the word and be unrewarded, because just as there is a benefit to practicing it, there will also be consequences for disregarding it. Each day that the Lord gives us, is for us to have pure purposes, and for that it would be good to ask ourselves what should be the purpose for this day? As for: love him, serve him and honor him.

The Bible shows us that to keep a clean heart before the Eternal is primarily through the illumination of biblical knowledge, because it teaches us to glorify God by keeping his word in relation to:

Lamp is at your feet your word and light to my path.

In addition, through sincerity we keep our hearts clean, not like Ananias and Sapphira who lied to the Holy Spirit, it is necessary to confess our sin according to:

He who confesses his sin and withdraws attains mercy.

Proverbs 28:13

Likewise, it is synequanon to keep the heart clean keeping the word of Altism putting it to work with the purpose that we are prospered in all things.

Finally, to keep a clean heart is important to have pure purposes, as Daniel proposed in his heart not to contaminate himself, also the apostle Paul set out to know Christ Crucified, that is, we must think positively, written:

As is the thought of man, so is he.

Proverbs 21:13

What we are on the outside is based on what we are inside. Ask yourself what determined the victory in Daniel's life? The answer is clear, he was determined not to contaminate himself with the King's food, let's make that determination now, so that we may be successful in this life and in the future because whoever thinks of the word of the Lord and of the Lord, is purified and he becomes wiser than his enemies; more understood than his haters according to Psalm 119: 97

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