Are you TRAPPED in the "matrix" ?

in #christianity7 years ago (edited)

There is only one Primary "Matrix" - the "System of the World" ; sometimes called the Kingdom of Darkness"
So, in essence what ever is not In- Christ and Christ is not in it does not belong to the Kingdom of Light.

On this wise is my meditation and thoughts for today:

Do you think the professional clergymen , preachers, priests and ministers are also part of the System of This World - Kingdom of Darkness?

I know this is a bold and untraditional provocative statement , but nevertheless, shocking true!

How so? you might asked

First, (professional clergymen or so called "nicolaitans" in Jesus's days),
Jesus in His revelation to the Church in the Book of Revelation definitely warned us against them and which He also said, He hate" lurking around to control God's people in the church.

Second, Jesus also 'hate' those making money out of naive and innocent victims / the laymen worshippers, like the money changer and those who sold mechandises outside and inside the temple. Of course, the priests in the Temple levied "taxes" on theses merchants beside the general taxes on all of Israel.

So, my point is this - while the ordinary folks rich or poor, (majority poor) were paying taxes equivalent to our paying tithes and offerings making professional clergymen rich at the expenses of the rest the givers poorer ; especiially thoses more needy worshippers in the congregation..

I can understand the need for supporting the priesthood under the Old Testament system where they are not allowed to own land or plow the field and as God's commanded for the rest of the Israel to support the system of priesthood.
Not so in the New Testament as we are all A people of God and are also A Nation of Priesthood - as an Organic Church where every joints supplied to one another who are in need. In the Organic Church of Christ , no member of the church - the Body of Christ should be in need or lack in anythings
This I honestly don't see happening in the church, especially the big and mega churches that runs like a worldly corporation organisation instead of an Organic Spiritual Family and Church.
Their license to extract money from worshippers in tithes (obsolete in New Testament), and offerings in supporting evangelisms and missionary works to poor countries whike at the same time making the Senior pastors and professional richer and richer when the poor in their own family of God are getting poorer and poorer. and their not taken care of cries out to heaven!
I have seen and personally experienced this predicament with my own eyes for being also a victim myself for more that half of my adult life.

No more! I am out of the religious matrix!

I pray God will open your eyes to meet your needy bothers and sisters in your congregation first and come out of the church-organisation matrix.
Do be prepared to meet and do good to the Household of God first as God's Spirit leads and stop makunf your pastors rich first while the needy brethren suffered!

Have to stop here; as the subject matter is present truth that need more explaining. but as of now it is sufficient for the time being

Insummary, "SELLING THE GOSPEL WHICH IS SUPPOSE TO BE FREE" as. God Will it to be "Freely you have received, freely you are to give" is the greatest spiritual crime I am pointing out aganist the Churches that no one will - selling merchandises like sermons in tapes, cds and. videos and speaking engagagemts to the highest bidder are all sysytem of this world.IMG_0244.JPG
photography @daveks
I am grieved and plea my case to God and to God's people to be delivered from this bondage and hope to see you again here soon!

PS - If you don't agree , please tell me why and present your case . I sure would like to hear your opinion. Thanks for not stoning me or put me on the stake!


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