Meme of the day. Christian's you got robbed!

in #christianity6 years ago

And you should be pissed about it!


In case you didn't know it, modern-day Christianity is a product of the Catholic Church. The Protestant church are the protesters from the Catholic Church. Everything that modern-day Christians celebrate such as the Sunday Sabbath and Christmas and Easter, they got from the Catholic church and the Catholic Church got those things from Pagan religions not from God.

“Do not do so to יהוה your Elohim, for every abomination which יהוה hates they have done to their mighty ones(gods), for they even burn their sons and daughters in the fire to their mighty ones(gods). All the words I am commanding you, guard to do it – do not add to it nor take away from it.
Deḇarim (Deuteronomy) 12:31‭-‬32 TS2009

The Catholic Church got rid of the Feasts of Yehovah and replaced them with pagan holidays.

In Leviticus chapter 23 Yehovah established The Seventh-Day Sabbath and 7 Feast of his throughout the year. You can see them listed in the meme above. If you read through Leviticus 23 you will see it mentioned several times that these feasts are for, as he puts it, "all your Generations, Forever." This means for all children of God of Yehovah that they are to be keeping his feasts through all of their Generations forever. these feasts are part of the law of God, and notice that the law of God is not just for Israel but for anyone who is in Covenant with God.

There is one Torah for the native-born and for the stranger who sojourns among you.
Shemoth (Exodus) 12:49 TS2009

So ask yourself, who are you supposed to be like? Who are you supposed to be imitating? Are you supposed to be imitating the pope or are you supposed to be imitating the Messiah?

Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ.
I Corinthians 11:1 NKJV

Yeshua(Jesus) the Messiah did not celebrate pagan holidays, he celebrated the feasts of Yehovah.

It's time to stop acting like the pope and start behaving like your Messiah!


Those are my holidays too. Our rejection of (some dude creeping around our house once a year and egg laying rabbits) led me to a life long journey in the Torah.

BOOM!!!! Great post. keep the Truth coming

My aunt has been asking me a lot of questions lately and while searching around to answer her I found this:
So crazy! Why does no Catholic person question this?!

Yeshua(Jesus) the Messiah did not celebrate pagan holidays, he celebrated the feasts of Yehovah.

Preach is brother! So true. People are waking up to the truth and discovering themselves in the pig-pen. Time to come home to daddy and get a change of cloths. @ironshield

I love the Feasts of the Lord! WAY better than those "other" ones! Resteeming to share this truth!

No, Christianity came from the New Testament. The Catholic Church has been the enemy of true Christianity since it was created by Constantine in the 300s.

There's no reason for Christians to celebrate the Jewish holidays. We're not Jews. We're not followers of Judaism.

If you really were following Jesus you wouldn't use foul language like the word, "pissed".

Sorry you're not going to find "Christianity"anywhere in the New Testament @barncat. The faith practiced in the New Testament was called The Way as Paul stated in Acts 24: 14

But this I confess to you, that according to the Way which they call a sect, so I worship the God of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the Law and in the Prophets.
Acts 24:14 NKJV

You're completely mistaken on the feasts. They are not Jewish feasts they are Yehovah's feasts. Didn't I explain this to you before? the Jews come from the tribe of Judah which is only one of the 13 tribes of Israel. All 13 tribes were represented at Mount Sinai when Yehovah gave the law which contain the commands for these feasts. This it's confirmed by this verse.

“Speak to the children of Yisra’ĕl, and say to them, ‘The appointed times of יהוה, which you are to proclaim as set-apart gatherings, My appointed times, are these:
Wayyiqra (Leviticus) 23:2 TS2009

He didn't say it's the feasts of the Jews he says they are his Feasts.

If you want to keep claiming that you don't have to keep these feasts, that's fine, that's your choice. Just so you know, by doing so you will miss Yehovah when he shows up at his appointed times.

As far as your foul language comment, that's just your opinion, can't back it up anywhere with scripture.

@barncat I have a question for you. Do you believe that the law of God is done away with and therefore Christians do not need to follow it?

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