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RE: Something to Consider...

in #christianity7 years ago

Very good article. This is my biggest concern about the LGBT debate. Not that any sins they have are a bigger offense to God than any sins that I have, but rather that their arguments deny that there is such thing as sin. The argument goes that if there is a God, then He created me this way, therefor it can not be sin. If that argument is accepted then that applies to every sin! If Satan can use the LGBT debate to get everyone to believe we're acceptable to God the way we are, then the crafty devil has in everyone's minds eliminated the need for Jesus.

Sort: deception among many that Satan is using. answer to them (LGBT or anyone else trying to use that as an excuse for sin) saying they were 'born this way' is that they must be 'born again!'

God bless you!

A lot of times I think we're using the wrong argument with the LGBT community. When they say, "We're born this way so it must be ok" we're trying to argue with their personal testimony and tell them they were not born that way. Instead I think we should use their argument to point them back to the truth of the scripture which says we are all born with sin inherited through Adam and it's not ok. That's why we need Jesus!

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