Understanding and Defending the Whole Testament

The entire Bible is the Word of YHWH, but not everyone understands that it is still applicable to everyone today. The ENTIRE testament of YHWH is chock full of truth that will teach you how to follow Him and obey Him better.


The entire Testament of YHWH is chock full of truth that will teach you how to follow and objey Him better.

Learn more of how to share your faith in the entire testament with others, and how to defend your beliefs with love, grace, and obedience.

Use the Whole Bible

What part of the Bible do you like to focus on?

  • Are you into drama so much that you focus only on the story narratives?
  • Are you drawn to science fiction so much so that eschatology gets your exclusive attention?
  • Do you have a Santa Claus fixation, so that your only interest in Scripture is the promises you can claim?
  • Are you so much and the prosperity that every single truth you draw the Scripture has to do with the next financial blessing you expect to receive?

It's a common failure among believers. We like to cherry pick. Whether you are traditional Christian, a member of the Hebrew community or a Whole Testament pursuant believer, we face the ever persistent temptation to only focus on the Scriptures that we personally like and ignore the rest. No matter how steadfast you are in your beliefs, this practice is incredibly dangerous.

Scripture is very clear that we are to use the whole Bible, the entire Testament of Scripture informing our doctrine and choices we make concerning how we are to walk through our lives.

I believe that the Whole Bible, (Genesis 1 - Revelation 22), is entirely authoritative to all believers. I believe that all Scripture is breathed out by (יהוה YAHWEH), and the (רוחקודש Holy Spirit), empowered the biblical writers to write down the Scriptures according to His Will. I believe that ALL Scripture is truly profitable for doctrine, for Reproof for Correction and for Instruction in righteousness, so that the person seeking to follow YHWH and Messiah will be thoroughly equipped for every good work, (2 Timothy 3:16-17). I believe that rejecting any part of Scripture is DANGEROUS, and even heretical; I believe that a person who rejects or disregards any part of Scripture will NOT be thoroughly equipped for every good work, and is more likely to fall into sin, or to lead others astray.

  • Yes, the Torah is valid for all believers today, and should be obeyed wherever it is biblically possible to do so.
  • Yes, the prophets of old are valid for all believers today, and should be obeyed wherever it is biblically possible to do so.
  • Yes, the Words and teachings of Messiah are valid for all believers today, and should be obeyed wherever it is biblically possible to do so.
  • Yes, the writings of the apostles are valid and are authoritative for all believers today, and should be obeyed wherever it is biblically possible to do so.


One hard and fast rule of biblical discipleship is that YHWH Almighty will not change, because he is already perfect. Moreover it is a biblical principle the two cannot walk together unless they are agreed, (Amos 3:3). Since the Almighty Creator will not change, and we can along with him unless we are agreed, it is then an undeniable reality that we must be changed to agree with the Almighty Father, so that we can walk with Him. That's why we need the Almighty Father to teach us His Ways. If that's the cry of your heart, then this is the book for you. This book explains why we should use the entire Bible in making our doctrine and decisions. Get your copy today. Thank you.


website: DiscipleshipSuccess.com


Great post. I woke up to this fact about 2 years ago. It is so amazing how it all fits together when we start reading the whole book and applying it all to our lives. Keep up the good work.

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