in #christianity7 years ago

Hello lovely friends, its Christmas and am here to share with you the reason why we must share love this season.


With the wisdom of God you would know that God is the originator of the church not man.
Psalm 24:1 says: The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof,the world and they that dwells therein. When you have this wisdom,you will not doubt the existence of God. You will labour will labour over material things but you will not put your trust in them because they are not yours they are God's property. If the earth belongs to Him,so by God's wisdom know that your cars,building,children etc everything belongs to God because we are just stewards and we manage them. By the wisdom of God,you will know that it is not what you possess that makes you rich but it is what you give out that makes you rich through God's wisdom.
Mtt 25:31-46 talks about two classes of people namely the Sheep and the Goat.
The sheep are the classes of people that used their resources to affect lives by giving the less previlege, widows,meeting the needs of people around them not just the church.

Are you rich? Look at people around you that suffering,use your resources to affect their lives by, doing this you will know through the wisdom of God that you are sowing a spiritual seeds that will speak for you in future.


In verses 28 of Mtt25, a man was given one talent,he failed to make use of the talent because he buried it on the earth. When hisnmaster came,he required of him to give an account of it,hoping hr made use of it and made more profit but unfortunately,he didn't make use of it rather gave back to his master the way he gave it to him and said "i know that you are a man that reap where you did not sow" The master took the talent from him and gave it to the one that hath 10 talent because he made use of his 10 talent and yield more profit. Jesus said; unto he that hath,more shall be given unto him,but unto him that does not have,even the little that he has will be taken from him and given to he that has. Talent is the wisdom to make use of what you have, what do you have that you think you can not share with others, if you think that you don't have,there are people out there that you are better than. It is expected of you to give so that the very one that you have would not be given to the rich. When you don't give,thinking that you don't have, Jesus said; the very one that you have would be taken from you because when you give you will receive.

My friends! All these things would be difficult if the wisdom of God is not working through because through the wisdom of God you know that the world is all about giving and receiving.

A ground of a certain rich man in Luke 12:16 brought forth plentiful and he thought within himself saying "what shall i do because i jave no room where to bestow my fruits, and he said this will i do, i will pull down my barns and build greater and there will i bestow all my fruits and goods, and i will say to my soul; soul, thou art much goods layed up for so many years,take thine ease,eat and be merry" but God said unto him "thou fool,this night, thy soul shall be required of thee".
This man refused to use his resources to bless others,he was just thinking of himself alone,God was angry.

When a man dies,buried and gone like the rich fool,his body will decay and will totally be forgotten because he did not use his wealth to affect others hence,no body will remember his works and Estate, but when he does,even in his death his name will be remembered.

For unto us a king is born, the king of love! Show love today by sharing what you have to one another because this is the season of giving.
I wish you all a wonderful Merry Christmas celebration.



Thanks so much sir for these Inspirations..... You're really a boss!
MerMerry Christmas anf prosperous new year!!!

Tnx dearie, am happy to have you here @ my blog on a special day like today being Christmas

Tnx sir
Merry Christmas to you and your wonderful family

For real? Tnx for passing by
Merry Christmas

Really, God is all knowing. The wisdom of this world is foolisness when checked from God,'s stand point

Tnx for your comment ma'am.
Merry Christmas to you and have a wonderful celebration

You really delve into the subject good one

This write up is definitely in accordance with God's standard, and His wisdom is not fathomable by any man. By giving people make the world a better place.

Good and epic post...kudos
u made a good call....thumbs up ma'am

I'm inspired

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