Prayer-A Way To Connect With "Him"

in #christianity7 years ago

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When we start our day with a prayer,its like putting ourselves in the palm of God and saying 'please watch over me '

All of us want to connect with someone who can be of help with our circumstances and share in our day-to day life. Prayer is a personal experience and intimate connection with our loving Jesus Christ.

All of us needs to have connection with Him. Every hour,seconds,minute of our life we should be thankful to Him. Going to church,or even in any places and anytime,we should spend time praying.
Praying is just a simple task. Task? No,not just a task but simple responsibility.Every living person spends almost all of their time enjoying life given to them. An hour of communicating with God is not that long.we should spare time.

What is prayer?
Prayer is our direct line with heaven. Prayer is a way of communication process that allows us to took to God!
He wants us to communicate with him,
like a person-to-person phone call.
Cellphones and other devices have become a necessity to some people in
Today's society especially in the mellenials. We have Bluetooth devices,
blackberries,share its and hitech computers!these are the means of communication,nowadays that allows two or more people to interact,connect, and respond to one another.

To many people,prayer seems complicated,but it is simply talking to God.

What is Prayer?-what does the Bible say?
Pray for one another.Jesus set an example for us on what to pray. He prayed for his disciples and for every generation to come that would follow Him. His prayer was that God protect and strengthen them as long as they were in this world. Pray,knowing that no matter how for you roam,your connection with Him can never be lost we have all sinned we know that and deserve God's judgment. God, the father,sent His only son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him.Jesus, the creator and eternal son of God,who lived a sinless life,loves all of us that he died for our sins,taking the punishment that we deserve,was buried, and rose from the dead in accordance to the Bible. If you truly believe and trust this with all your heart,receiving Jesus alone as your savior,declaring,"Jesus is Lord "you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in Heaven.

Thanks for passing by.


I enjoy reading your article on prayer.But I would add this,that prayer is not simply talking to God.Just as Romans 8:26 says that it is the Spirit that helps our weakness in order to pray with deep groaning or passion which we naturally could not utter.
Prayer is a spiritually action that is comes by the help of the Holy Spirit.

Yeah!that's right
Every little thing you do is a prayer to heaven and give your very best no matter how small the deed.

Excellent publication. The theme of prayer is of great interest in these troubled times. Many people affected by difficult times seek outings, answers, help, in different scenarios or spiritual environments.
That's why it's always good to collaborate with people by letting them know that prayer is a way to meet those who can do everything, who know everything and who are always present.
Thanks for your post.
Greetings from Venezuela.
It has my vote

indeed!thanks also!



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