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RE: !!! How Survive Without the Mark of the Beast !!!

The "mark of the beast" is revealed in Revelations as a mark of some sort in the right hand or forehead that will restrict your ability to buy or sell if you don't have it. RFID is not mandatory in the U.S. yet. But there is a move to have Eldery person's with Altimerz's (don't know how to spell it) with RFID and in a couple states, they are requiring those on foodstamps/welfare to be chipped.

I'm just trying to wake people up to the fact that we are better than herd animals, we should not be chipped for any reason against our will. Because they day they go to a "Cashless" society and put money on that 'RFID' chip is they day freedom of speech will die! If you don't agree with the New World Order, they will simply turn off your chip and you won't be able to buy or sell! You will DIE!!!

Now is the time to, JUST SAY NO!!!


Sure, trying to be self sufficiente one day is the better way to live freely, I guess. Unfortunatly I didn't understand some sentence my english is not yet sufficiently good to understand all, but I think see globaly what you're talking about. In france we can't refuse to put this shit in animals if we grow (?) them, how to say.. If you are a sheeper, and don't put it in the ears of your animals, they take them... It's coming soon, have to be careful.

It's the same here in U.S. with cattle. I'm just saying that the Governments of the world have NO right or power to do it to a Human Being! The day they think they can, is the day every human being needs to fight back and say NO!

Sure. Already tell or prohibe things like if our lives were their... This for sure will not happen. I hope for the others. For me sure, and seems the same for you.

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