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RE: What's Your Plan To Achieve Immortality?

in #christianity8 years ago

Greetings, @puffosiffredi, and thank you for stopping by with your fascinating comment!

I had not heard of this limit before. Based on your comment, I am beginning to read about it.

Nevertheless, I expect to fully enjoy my immortality because of certain expected "upgrades" to my personal physical and mental apparatus. So, while I appreciate your condolences, I believe they are premature. ;)

Thanks again for opening the door for me to investigate some new ideas! :) :) :)


Well, after the "upgrade" in order to be immortal, what remains of your brain is nothing you would define "you", or "human", so that , together with the need to change telomeres and suppress steroids, what would be "immortal" is not "you". You need to change so many things to make a human "immortal", what results of it is everything but "human". Give you now are "human", what would be immortal would not be "you".

You need to modify or change how your immune system works too, since immune system is in charge to break unused synapses. And so, and so....

Hi again my friend! You've said:

*"Give you now are "human", what would be immortal would not be "you"."

But my expectation is that I will still be human, but trans-human, i.e. a new, improved model, while still remaining "myself."

I do understand (and appreciate!) your concerns and your description of how such a task might be accomplished using appropriate technology that we can presently foresee, and I would share your misgivings if I were attempting to do this on my own, by some "technological" method. Just as I raised the question in my article as to whether or not, if our "brain" were somehow transferred into a "memory box," would it still be "us?"

However, my confidence in the matter is entirely placed in the agent of change, Jesus. I believe Jesus be the very God Who originally created this universe and (considerably later on) created me within this universe. With a track record like that, and the skill and knowledge that implies, I have no doubt that He has the knowledge and skill to accomplish such a transformation without any loss of continuity of my personal identity.

Paul, the last Apostle of the Christian church, stated it this way:

*"So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown a perishable body, it is raised an imperishable body; it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body." - 1 Corinthians 15:42-44

There is much more in the literature of the Bible that bolsters my confidence in a spectacular future. I thank you again, @puffosiffredi, for your engaging comments!

There is nothing like "yourself". What you call "yourself" is , according with most recent science, the result of a jeopardy of point of views about yourself. Human brain keeps a dozen of "self images" of "yourself", so there is no way you may be "yourself".

Bible... bah. A book saying nothing, written by a brunch of ignorant , inbreeded goatfuckers. Those people was aware of just a few things more than the goats they were having sex with. There is no "knowledge" in the Bible, just because this ignorant population had no knowledge at all, (no math, no chemistry, no biology, nothing of nothing), so there was nothing they could have written on this book.

I know about transhumanism and I work with AI, and most of your expectations are more sci-fi than likely to happen.

Hello again, friend. I'm interested in your knowledge and study of these topics; of AI and of consciousness, and so I've followed you to read more.

However, you appear to be seriously misinformed about the Bible. Are these your own ideas, or are you simply echoing the ill-founded thoughts of others? Have you ever even read it for yourself? There are plenty of competent translations, including several in Italian.

The bible was written by an extremely broad cross-section of humans, ranging from shepherds to statesmen to kings. Authors include some of the most highly skilled and trained men of their day, unparalleled scholars in fields of history and language. Perhaps because of your narrow focus on sciences it has not been of enough interest for you to read?

Hi Creatr, being born in Italy, I was forced to study the catholic religion at school, one hour a week, but a few years where I was allowed to say "no". Then it had become mandatory again. So you don't lecture me. Do not even try, you cannot.

I was lucky because , together with religion, I studied philosophy at the same school, so the priest wasn't able to brainwash me. When you know about fallacies, religion cannot harm you. Because you see what religion is.

Very simple to explain with an example:

I am the only son. And of course, when I was young, I had an imaginary brother. Why? Because I didn't had a real one. Most of orphans are having imaginary parents. This is normal in the human brain.

The same is for the Imaginary Father you call "God".

The fact you have God, which is an imaginary father, just tells me you had no father, or a useless/absent one. That's it. This is why God is hardly seen as a mother, when society gives to mother the whole task of raising the offspring: you don't need an imaginary mother. But, since in this kind of society you only have shit of fathers, most of people will just invent an imaginary father, because the real father was a shit of father.

You dream to have an imaginary father which can do everything, just because you grow under the feeling your father wasn't able to give enough to you. You dream to have an imaginary father which is everywhere, just because your actual father was never there when you needed him. And you dream to have an imaginary father which knows everything, just because you grow under the impression your father told you nothing useful.

That's is: God is just "the imaginary father I created in my mind, to take the place of the shit of father I actually had". Religion is what happens when a society has, in general, most of shitty fathers. When the influence of priests decreased, and fathers started to take care of sons in Europe, religion dropped dramatically.

Religion is just a tax you pay for having had a shit of father when young. If my sons will be into religion, I will consider this as my personal failure as a father. As it should be.

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