in #christianity7 years ago (edited)

I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing (John 15:5, ESV).


It’s 4 a.m. I had to wake up earlier than usual to get my chores done due to an appointment that day. I rose from my bed and gathered my soiled clothes as planned. I sorted them separating the colored garments from the white ones. From my room, I headed to the laundry area and on to my washing machine. Feeling still drowsy, I poured the dirty apparels to the machine and poured in soap. Looking at the plug being connected, I noticed it was plugged. So, I switched the machine on and waited for it to start the turning. I paused for five seconds, and then ten seconds. But nothing seemed to work. It didn’t have power. My washing machine wouldn’t cooperate. It did not function as I expected it. I checked the body of the machine to see some abnormalities. But I couldn’t find any. Feeling so disgusted, I sat down to think really hard what’s wrong with my washing machine.
“Is it out of order?” I asked myself. But it’s new. “I just bought two weeks ago.” I reasoned. Then, I remembered something. I only used an extension wire to connect my washing machine from the main power which was hidden about two meters away. So, when I realized this, I went to check if I had the wire plugged to the main power. And sure enough, I failed to connect the extension wire to the main source of power.

God is the source of power. Apart from Him we are powerless. Without him in our lives, we are helpless. The only way to exude power is to be connected to the source, God himself. Unless we are connected to the main source of the power, we shall indeed be powerless. We are nothing and we cannot function or do our work properly and smoothly.

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