in #christianity7 years ago (edited)

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"The Lord replied, 'My Presence will gi with you, and I will give you rest.' "

Exodus 33:14

Some very frustated spiritual seekers have said to me, "Ching, I can't feel God. I mean, I believe maybe he's all around, but I've never experienced God in that way."

If you've ever felt that same way, know that God is most keenly felt when he passes through you. The ancients would use the image of the Sea of Galilee vs. the Dead Sea to explain this phenomenon:

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The Sea of Galilee receives fresh water from the Jordan River and, in turn, releases fresh water back into the Jordan - the water constantly flowing, staying fresh, and maintaining life. However, the Dead Sea receives a constant flow of fresh water from Jordan, but nothing flows out - all of its water is salty and supports no life, no plants, no fish.

For many of us, our lives are more like the Dead Sea than the Sea of Galilee. We go to church, read our Bibles, and pray, but we don't do anything good for the world. So, we become like the Dead Sea. Even with living water flowing into our lives, unless it flows out into the lives of others, we're not going to feel it and it's not going to make any difference in our lives at all.

To feel God, we must let him pass through us. If we devote our lives to being lights of the world, helping people, making a difference, that's when we'll feel God passing through us. It's an amazing experience. Try it!

Have a good day everyone!
Thank you for reading ! GOD BLESS!




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