in #christianity6 years ago (edited)

A good name is better than riches-proverbs 22:1
The above Bible quotation is so true because a good name do not only opens doors of opportunities and favour for you but also those connected to you, upto your unborn generations. It brings this satisfaction and peace of mind that you are on the right path which is priceless because there is nothing as one having peace of mind. It assures good health and longevity. So let's do the mathematics, a good name assures peace of mind, happiness, riches, longevity and all other goodies one can ever think of. This is a very clear indication of how wealthy a man of integrity is.

Though having and sustaining a good name can be indeed difficult especially in a corrupt world as this, it is however, worth the fight. Wealth is not always guaranteed, riches is not always assured but a good name is yours forever even when you die, it keeps speaking for you. People would despise, mock and laugh at you but they however know your value and worth. They might say a lot of things behind and in front of you but they can never take away what you have. You yielding or throwing in the towel to their mockery shatters all the efforts you've put in to be where you are. Don't let them win.
It feels good to be exceptionally different in good light. It pays to be known for the good morals and values you uphold, keep being a good example to those around you no matter the persecution you face. So many people might never be opportune to open the Bible, talk more of reading it to be guided by what is right but your lifestyle can serve as one. At times it might seem they are not paying attention but with time, they will have no other choice but to follow your footsteps of integrity. This virtue is highly contagious, i tell you.

Finally, Being a man or woman of integrity is for your own good because you won't have to feel guilty or be at war with your conscience. Stand your ground no matter what, be a man of integrity, it pays.......

Thanks for the read

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