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RE: Christian Patriots Launch Groundbreaking Sci-fi Motion Picture

The trouble, like in politics, is their is no "good" side.
(You are either for the left, which is stupid; or for the right which is heartless)

Christianity is seriously under attack.
However, most christians don't even know where the attack is coming from.
Christians have stupidly placed themselves against the atheists, and missed all of the real attacks.

What do you think of the statement "30 is the new 20"?
Don't you feel that is the most evil, anti-christian thing to say?
You are probably scratching your head, wondering what this person is going on about.

Let me try to explain. The core tenets of christianity is the family. Christianity as the moral backbone of society is built from all the christian families. Without the family structure, society breaks down. And it breaks down badly. As we are seeing.

A woman is never more fertile then the ages between 20 and 30. A woman who wants a family should spend a couple of years finding the right husband, and then starting a family.

However, the writings, targeting females talk about female empowerment. Females in the work force. Women don't need a man. And this comes at just the time when a woman should be using all of her resources to find a good husband.

If a woman got out of highschool, then got married, had children and then went to college and entered the work force for a career. That all works. But today it is go to college, start a career, then find a husband, then pay for fertility treatments, then maybe have a child, put the career on hold (which is to destroy the career) choose the career or the kid, try to choose both, destroy the kid and the career, divorce...

So, now you see the evils of "30 is the new 20"?

One of the true enemies of christianity is feminism. However, it is deemed the most sinful of sins to speak against the feminine imperative. So, most churches speak about the evils of atheism, while allowing, and often preaching of a worse evil in their church.


Family can't be destroyed. There were good families before Christianity and there will be good families after, if the cult ever comes to end. What is under attack is not family but our feelings of familiarity to nature and the rest of humans. We think we are separated, we are being taught to think about our survival individually when the survival of our species and many others we depend on can only be achieved by a collective and conscious effort. Christianity, in my opinion, just like feminism, doesn't promote this familiarity.

Let me say it again in case anyone missed it, family is not under attack, familiarity is. There is nothing special about being kind to your own blood, being nice to others, love thy neighbor, that's a real challenge.

Do you have a link to more writings that use your term "familiarity"?

I may be the first person to use it like this, but I doubt it, don't know. Maybe I should do some writing about this how I've been meaning to, that way I would have a couple of links for you. There's a lot of people concerned about family which is honestly a relief, gives me a little hope. Your family is your connection to earth because even if you leave one day, they may stay a little longer. Your family makes you consider your actions here/now and how they affect others over time, it's what makes old people plant trees under which shadow they shall never sit under. It's understanding sacrifice for an idea, for a desire, just like your Christ. Perhaps that's why people are encouraged to have more children, because we are afraid that in the search for our divine we'd lose sight of this world enough to hurt ourselves and those around, afraid we could forget there are others. At least that's what I get from having asked to so many what family means to them

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