
howdy there @bobaphet! hey this was supposed to be a serious piece, was it that funny? lol. I thought it was semi-serious. ok, if I come up with another funny one or I'm not sure then I'll run it past you first!
did Kevin Klein call yet?

Not yet, any day now...

The pastor on the horse is what really cracked me up.
Or do they call them pastures ?

lol! they probably DO call them Pastures at those kind of churches. oh man are you high or are you always this funny?
I think you guys should make another video when you're high, that was so funny.

Haha man, thanks, but seriously, we were both as sober as judges when we made that video :)

well the acting was so good that ya'll had us fooled, but then that's what made it so funny. great job.


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