Yes, by all means read the Bible. The more you read the more accountable you are before God. The worse your eternal punishment will be in hell. So go ahead, study it, and find more stuff you don't like.
Yes, by all means read the Bible. The more you read the more accountable you are before God. The worse your eternal punishment will be in hell. So go ahead, study it, and find more stuff you don't like.
Luckily I don't believe in hell. The idea that there is some kind of loving god that knew, even before he set out to create everything, that a lot of people would end up in hell because they were born in sin, didn't believe the correct religious ethos (out of hundreds if not thousands of possible options) is ridiculous. Let's not forget, all knowing god knew these things before he created us. Why give us free will if he knew most would end up in eternal suffering? Why create lucifer if he knew he was going to fall. Why not begin with Noah and his family and never even have a flood that supposedly drowned and punished his own creations? For such a "perfect first mover," he makes a lot of mistakes or is knowingly torturing millions through the ages. God is either uncaring, a psychopath or non-existent. And the bible, if anything, tells us there isn't a god, just a lot of gullible people that buy in to other peoples stories. Like they have done for thousands of years and in thousand of other religions. Religions, I might add, older than the Abrahamic faiths that come with their own creation stories and stories of death and resurrection.
I can understand the solace believing in childish stories can bring. But it's time for humanity to grow up. We do not need religion to lead a moral and correct life. We need to fear the time after death as much as we need to fear the time before birth. Let go of your fears. Embrace the uncertainty that is a fact of life and you'll find that it's this uncertainty that will set you free.