Alice and Foster Bailey start in Krotona or Hollywood Hills. Alice came from a Christian family but was visited by a stranger. The Lucifer Trust

in #christianity5 years ago (edited)

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Alice Bailey was born to a wealthy middle class British family and, as a member of the Anglican Church, received a thorough Christian education.

Her autobiography states that at the age 15, on June 30, 1895, Bailey was visited by a stranger, "... a tall man, dressed in European clothes and wearing a turban" who told her she needed to develop self-control to prepare for certain work he planned for her to do. This turned out to be the creation and publication of 19 books together with educational and meditation work that reached into "practically all the countries of the world"

At the age of 22, Bailey did evangelical work in connection with the YMCA and the British Army. This took her to India where, in 1907, she met her future husband Walter Evans. Together they moved to America where Evans became an Episcopalian priest. The marriage did not last and Bailey pushed for and received a divorce. She left with their three children after formal separation in 1915. Then followed a difficult period in which she worked in a sardine factory to support herself and the children.

Bailey discovered the Theosophical Society and the work of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. The Theosophical Society states that Bailey became involved in 1917. Theosophist Joy Mills states that in 1918 she became a member of the Esoteric Section of the society. Theosophist Bruce F. Campbell notes, "She quickly rose to a position of influence in the American Section of the Adyar society, moving to its headquarters at Krotona in Hollywood.

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She became editor of its magazine, The Messenger, and member of the committee responsible for Krotona."

In 1919, Foster Bailey (1888–1977), who was to be her second husband, became National Secretary of the Theosophical Society. They married in 1921. I cover him further down.

The Theosophist published the first few chapters of her first work, Initiation, Human and Solar, (p. 762) but then stopped for reasons Bailey called "theosophical jealousy and reactionary attitude".

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Epstein had property in Paris,

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What do you suppose these people are trying to signal?

Alice and Foster Bailey founded the Lucis Trust in 1922. Its activities include the Arcane School, World Goodwill, Triangles, a quarterly magazine called The Beacon, and a publishing company primarily intended to publish Bailey's many books. The Arcane School gives instruction and guidance in meditation, via correspondence, based on the ideas in Bailey's books. World Goodwill is intended to promote better human relations through goodwill which they define as "love in action".

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That "action" included support of the United Nations.
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The "Triangles" are groups of three people who agree to link up in thought each day and to meditate on right human relations, visualizing light and love pouring into human minds and hearts, followed by the use of the Great Invocation. It is not necessary for each person to link in thought at the same time each day and need only take a few moments of time.

Whose spiritual work? Satan's!

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John 8:44
“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”

Alice and Foster Bailey founded, "Lucifer Publishing Company". ("'Lucifer' and 'Lucis' come from the same word root, lucis being the Latin genitive case meaning of light."

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After the first two or three years, the name was changed to "Lucis Publishing Co." (The Theosophical Society also used the name "Lucifer" for its early magazine.)

In 1923, with the help of Foster Bailey, Alice Bailey founded the Arcane School, which is part of Lucis Trust. This school provides educational correspondence, meditation instruction, and guided study based on her writings.

Bailey continued to work up to the time of her death in 1949.

What does the United Nations claim to be about which is induced by Alice Bailey's writings?

One World government, One World religion and Peace. . .all while starting wars to make money?

God states in Luke 12:51

Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:

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What does God say about this?

1 Thessalonians 5:3
“For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.”

Where else do we see this Combining of all religions, sun worship, lucifer worship?

This video is worth the watch as it is under 15 min. and demonstrates the symbolism and system of the New World Order.

Astana Kazakhstan - The New World Order Secret City

The writers Alice Bailey was enamored with talk about "the Light." Remember, Lucifer was an angel and refers to himself in many ways, but make no mistake, he is the False Light attempting to co-opt Who Jesus Christ really is. That is because satan is the false or antichrist. He hates God and he hates humans. This is why he tries to deceive so many. Humans are after all, created in God's own image. This burns satan's hide. Pun intended!

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This IS one of the verses satan hopes to distract people from so he can collect yet more souls. That is his goal.

John 8:12
“Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”

This verse IS key,

John 14:6
“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”


Alice Bailey's husband
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Foster Bailey was an American publisher and writer who established the Lucis Trust, the Arcane School, and The Beacon magazine, working with his wife Alice Bailey.

I am finding there's almost Always a LODGE

Foster Bailey was

  • admitted to the American Theosophical Society on October 27, 1917, probably on a "Liberty" membership that was offered to servicemen in World War I.

  • After the war he served as National Secretary of the American Theosophical Society at its headquarters in Hollywood, California.

  • There he met an Englishwoman, Mrs. Alice A. Evans, editor of the organization's magazine The Messenger.

When L. W. Rogers was elected President of the Society in 1920, he replaced both of them with other workers and moved the headquarters to Chicago.

  • Bailey and Evans moved to New York City.

  • They were active in the Central Lodge, cosponsoring Marie M. Montreuil for membership on an application signed March 7, 1921, one week before their marriage. Bailey continued to be a member of the Society almost continuously until June 30, 1930.

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See a connecting article here,

Now remember, the Churches allowed Alice Bailey to place people in her Lucifer Trust in the churches to worship right along side the members. Now what is happening in modern day? Infiltration much?

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Q's trip codes links in a Book search and the interesting phenomena, After School Satan Clubs

Please let me know what your thoughts and experiences are. Keep #FightingTheGoodFight WWG1WGA

#AliceBailey, #KrotonaCalifornia, #LuciferTrust, #LucisTrust, #UN, #UnitedNations


See or listen to evidence and a deep dive here.

History of the United Nations and what they have really been up to.

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