Our Disappointments Are God's Appointments

in #christianity7 years ago


"Our disappointments are God's appointments" is one of those outstanding "Christian banalities". Lamentably we at times move toward becoming desensitized to reality of abundantly cited idioms due to their recognition. The above proclamation is valid as well as critical, and we have to always advise ourselves that God truly is in control of our disappointments. Possibly you had a frustrating summer, an exhausting occupation or a broken love relationship. Maybe you are frustrated right now about a disappointing instructor or a contemptible "companion". Keep in mind that God is sovereign and thoroughly understands your circumstance. He has really named you to every one of these failure for any of a few decent reasons.

The narrative of Joseph is a great case of how God utilized disappointments in a youthful adherent's life to finish His own particular great purposes. Genesis 50:20 gives us the end part of the story in Joseph's own particular words. Joseph perceived that the disappointments which he had encountered were wonderfully woven together by God to safeguard many lives from starvation in the antiquated world. What super confidence Joseph showed when he expressed, "God implied it for good..." Can we say the same? Is our confidence sufficiently solid to perceive that God licenses dissatisfaction to come our way as well as selects them? (See Romans 8:28-29 in this association.)


The most astonishing and brilliant lesson for us in this piece of Joseph's account is that God takes our disappointments as well as even our failings and works them into His general great purposes for us and others. Obviously this does not pardon us for our shortcomings or make God at fault of shrewdness in any capacity, yet it indicates that our sovereign God can overrule in the range of our slip-ups.

Joseph's vindication finally came, however not before another significant disappointment. While in prison, Joseph interacted with two authorities of Pharaoh, the ruler of all Egypt (Genesis 40). Note again how the sway of God was grinding away in conveying them to "a similar place where Joseph was detained" (40:3). The two authorities had dreams which Joseph accurately interpreted. Joseph requested that Pharaoh's cup-bearer remember him when the cup-bearer was released from prison and restored to office.

Normally the authority overlooked Joseph when he backpedaled to the court of Pharaoh. Did anybody ever "drain" you of your liberal help and afterward drop you as though you didn't exist any longer? We can imagine the disappointment of Joseph. Have you at any point been in that hopeless, baffling or no-change situation? From our viewpoint such situations may look frustrating; from God's point of view it might be an arrangement in other for us to learn patience, humility and perhaps different reasons as well.


The cup-bearer was at last forced to recall Joseph when God gave Pharaoh a few dreams. Joseph was discharged from jail and brought before the king of Egypt to interpret his dreams. According to the scripture, Joseph had stayed devoted to God all through his whole imprisonment and completely planned to stay faithful before this agnostic ruler. Would we be as steadfast as Joseph? or would we decide somewhere along the line to change allegiance? God regarded Joseph for his loyalty. He was hoisted to second in charge over all Egypt. Such a position for a Hebrew young fellow required all the experience of Egyptian life and government that Joseph had "got" amid those times of disappointment. God comprehended what He was doing from the start. Regardless he does! Our disappointment are God's appointments!

God bless you.

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'His thoughts are higher than our thoughts and His ways are higher than our ways', to paraphrase Isaiah 55. If we can hold on in faith and not give up, we'll see how He really does work all things to our good. I have experienced this directly. Having acknowledge that however, it's important to be sensitive to people who are in the midst of difficult circumstances. How we express these truths makes all the difference between whether or not someone who is hurting derives encouragement or feels that their pain is being dismissed. I try and remember that.
Upvoted and following--looking forward to more of your posts

Thank you very much, God bless you...

True. I would add, though God is sovereign I believe He does not cause the tragedy or hardship but He knows the spiritual war and sin of humanity (including our own sin/rebellion) against us and uses it to get His will done and develop His character in us. "What you meant for evil God turned for good."

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