Psalm 1:1

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Blessed is the man Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, Nor stands in the path of sinners, Nor sits in the seat of the scornful;
  • Blessed is the man

The Hebrew word esher translates Blessed, which has the idea of contentment or happiness. Esher also comes from the Hebrew word ashar, which means "to be right" or "to be straight".
Blessed is the man speaks of the blessedness, the happiness, and the contentment in the life of the woman or of the man who is "straight" or "right" with God. The righteous man oe woman will be happy individual, a blessed individual.

Note it doesn't say "blessed is the King" or "blessed is the scholar" or "blessed is the rich", but it says "blessed is the man". The poor, the obscure, or even the forgotten can obtain this status. It is not just for specific individuals.

Blessed means supremely fulfilled, or happy.
  • Walks not … nor stands … nor sits

There are certain things which a blessed man does not do. There is a path he will not stand in, there is a way he will not walk, and there is a seat he will not sit in.

These 3 things:

  • Thinking
  • Behaving
  • Belonging

The ungodly man and the righteous man are different in these 3 areas. They are different as to whom they belong, how they behave, and how they think.

Sin is progressive, which means that one evil deed or act leads to another.
  • Walks not in the counsel of the ungodly

The righteous man will not walk in the counsil of the ungodly. The righteous man knows how to stay away from the counsil of the ungodly due to all the advice that comes to us from many different sources.

You see, the righteous man knows how to discern the counsel of ungodly people or individuals. There are many that fail at this point. These individuals whom fail don't even consider if counsel is godly or ungodly. When they have problems and they hear advice or hear theories about said problems, they agree or disagree without even thinking, "Is this godly or ungodly advice / counsel?"

Remember that our own heart, our own mind and our own conscience can give us ungodly counsel, however the righteous man is wise and discerning enough to know this! Ah but the righteous man knows exactly where to find godly counsel... GOD'S WORD.

  • Nor stands in the path of sinners

There is a path that sinners have where they stand, and a righteous man knows he doesn't belong on that path of the sinners. Path speaks of a road, a way, a direction, and a righteous man is not going in the same direction as that path or the sinners. A righteous man isn't afraid to take the road less traveled, because he knows that that road leads to eternal life, happiness and blessings.

  • Nor sits in the seat of the scornful

The things of God and the people are God are criticized by the scornful and they love it. The righteous man will not under any circumstances sit in that seat ! When Christians are put down by others it is easy to sit down with them and join them. There are many things to criticize among Christians, that's what makes it so easy. However this is wrong! Why? Because we are then sitting in the seat of the scornful !

We should be proud to follow Jesus Christ instead! Stand up and do not be ashamed for following Christ Jesus! Be proud, shout it from the rooftops! I FOLLOW JESUS TO THE END NO MATTER WHAT!!


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