Let the Holy Spirit lead you softly

in #christian6 years ago

We have to practice looking and listening for God when it is quiet. God wants to communicate with you . Sometimes God wants to communicate just by His Presence being there and other times by word. His delight is being there with you. He speaks softly in your spirit being, where He takes up His residence. You have to pray and ask His Spirit to show you and point you in the right direction, that you may see and Hear Him when He speaks. He delights when you seek Him above all else. When you practice these small things , more and more He will reveal Himself to you. (1 Corinthians 6 : 19 )What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you ,which you 67cf890c38c5c4be1a7751fc77d8f909--religious-quotes-spiritual-inspiration.jpghave of God, and ye are not your own.


Bless you man of God, the picture message is enough to capture all the rhema in your word sir.

Holy Spirit, more you in my life in Jesus name

I totally agree with you as the Holy Spirit takes control of every facet of our lives once we are willing to accept Lord Jesus into our lives. The Holy spirit is our guide, teacher, remembrancer, revelator and administrator. Thank you for this wonderful piece. Stay blessed.

This is so true. God brings thoughts to your mind and so often these are to prepare you for what events lie ahead in the day. Blessings for your inspiring posts

Well yeah my body is the temple of the lord accepted and thanks for sharing I know this body does not belong to me, sometimes I sit and wish God never gave us freewill but He has given us freewill and expects us to use it in the right direction.
Prayer: I thank you lord for giving me this body and making me look the way I am. Thank you lord.
@thomasbrown thank you for sharing God bless you

We are the temple of the Holy Spirit, God speaks to us through different ways, we have to be alert, to listen and interpret the message.
When we pray we speak to God, when we read the Bible, it is HE who speaks to us.
I always make a prayer, asking the Holy Spirit, Come holy spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and light in them the fire of your love. Send your spirit and renew the face of the earth. God allow us to savor forever your consolations.
Thanks for your post.

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