Just have faith in God

in #christian6 years ago

( St. Luke 8 : 48 ; And He said unto her , Daughter be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole: Go in peace. ) Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. The lady here exercise her faith , and Jesus healed her of the issue of blood she had for twelve years. This is how we move God believing what He can do . The bible says Jesus moved with compassion , When she said if I could just touch the hem of His garment I will be made whole. When we have faith and confidence like this He Can't do anything but grant our wishes. Try God , have the faith of a mustard seed and see, that He will make you whole. Love Him with all your soul mind and heart , fear Him and He will move the same way for you, trust Him and thank Him, and leave it up to Him. He is your heavenly Father , and there is nothing He wouldn't do for His children.

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